
Yes, my heart breaks for the PTSD suffered by the rapist who got caught, convicted, and was punished with a slap on the wrist.

This kinda feels like this crossing the line. What the woman did was wrong, ironic, kinda funny, but she didn’t harm anyone, and I thought her getting fired in the first place was too much.

I have taught middle school for 15 years. Stories like this make me angry. I don't give a shit if he's academically ready for college. He isn't ready for college in far more ways that actually matter.

Personally, I’m exhausted by the idea that we have to accept other women’s racism/classism/cisgenderism simply because they identify themselves as “feminists” and sometimes talk about body image, abortion and equal pay. There is room for debate and discourse among women, and there needs to be space for critique of the

Please do show us a case where a man was successfully prosecuted for rape because he didn’t mind-read and then maybe you’ll have a point. Until then, I think I’ll be a hell of a lot more concerned with all the actual rapists who never even got prosecuted that are out there right now.

I was pretty appalled as well by the 'well he wasn't convicted' crowd. Read the transcripts, for fucks sake. This asshole raped an unconscious woman and then harassed her after.

This all day long.

This whole thing has been exhausting, as a sexual assault survivor. It’s like everywhere I turn there are rape apologists—more so than usual.

I just feel so lonely and unhappy, you guys. I’m about to start my second year of grad school, but I’m scant on friends and really, patently unsuscessful for the first time in my life. I just feel like nothing matters and my life is going to suck no matter what I do. Have any of you ever dropped out of a graduate

So many things wrong with this argument. First of all, what is “normal women”? Given that they’re not testing for elevated testosterone unless you’re flagged (likely by winning), there’s no evidence that anyone on the field has less than elevated testosterone. And since hormone levels exist along a range in all women

As a black woman I have to get this off my chest. If I see one more black man say this shit was brought up because of Birth of a Nation I am going to scream! I have known about this for at least 3 or 4 years you didn’t want to know don’t start with the conspiracy theories.

What I’ve always wondered about that is in that the bible clearly says religious people should keep their heads covered, why do these religious born again Christian types get all upset when observing Muslim or Jewish women ( and men) do so? Why don’t they cover their heads as well?

Counterpoint: the older I get, the less of a shit I give what adults do that only affects them. Only when I got to the part about her younger kids being taken from her did I feel any give-a-shit.

Rate doesn't mean assigning some sort of score in this case

other people breaking the law does not make it legal lol

You need to drill, if you aren’t already. Instead of trying to go straight to breaststroke, spend a few sessions swimming with a three-to-one kick-pull ratio. You have to practice until that kicking motion works for you.

The conventional wisdom seems to be that Trump is the worst thing that could happen to the Republican party, but I think his despicable existence is an opportunity for them.

That’s what stuns me so much about this election. The sheer number of Republicans who seem gob smacked by Trump and his followers. Why? How? 8 years ago they accepted the Tea Party with open arms. They voted in the Bachman’s, the Cruz’s and the Huckabee’s of the country. The Jindal’s and the Walker’s. Every one of

Actually, she’s a pretty classic small government fiscal conservative.

Yas King!