
Uh, they have covered her a bunch, as recently as last week, and also there is Johnson so that’s five candidates. However, they are all “third party” candidates.

She has been covered, she’s an idiot with absolutely no experience - a doctor who veers into anti-science and courts anti-vaxxers.

She’s an anti-vax asshole.

I like that he's pro study abroad.

Also, why? Why is that “awesome”? Why does a woman being better at something than a man require special note? Being better than men at things is an everyday occurrence for most women. And vice versa. Fucking hell, men are fragile. Even when a woman wins something while competing against other women, we have to be

Like, she won her fucking medal beating out most of her peers—all of whom are better than her fucking husband. The notion that being a man would somehow confer upon him superior trap shooting / gun “handling*” skills is just... well, explains why this post was written, actually.

The fact that you can handle a gun better than your husband is awesome.

Seriously?! Not just all of this ridiculousness, but you DIDN’T GO WITH YOUR WIFE WHEN SHE WAS COMPETING IN THE OLYMPICS?!?! How many Superbowls did you make her sit through? She literally competes one week every four years. WTF?

Have you ever heard of

It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.

Exactly. They are like yoga pants. Acceptable to wear to a park or a barbecue. Not acceptable to wear to the mall or work.

It’s just so funny. Men have been harping on the things women wear since forever. Leggings/yoga pants/Uggs have all had at least a dozen negative think-pieces written by men. But a woman does the same thing once - OMG THAZ NOT OKAY HOW DARE U!!!

God, it must be SO HARD to be judged by your appearance and clothing choices instead of your skills and work ethic. HOW TERRIBLE.

I’d say there’s been “a lot” of talk about violent revolution should Trump lose, but those same cowardly dumbasses also promised the same fucking thing in ‘08 and ‘12.

But he hasn’t lost the support of those people - they’re still behind him. They’re not about to go to Hillary.

Yup. On another online forum, I asked one of the Trump-suckers what he thought if Melania was illegal; basically just said, “well, there’s no way to deport her now so it’s ok.”

This story is exactly the kind of thing that will give him a huge bump in the polls. They like him because he’s a racist, sexist pig, not despite it. Also, I don’t know if you saw this but if there was any doubt that the only illegal immigration his supporters care about is if it’s a brown-skinned immigrant, check out

There is a clear indicator. Transman always means female to male. Transwoman always means male to female. Also, most news sites tend not to be huge dumpster fires and deliberately misgender people anymore.

And you’re not aware of the universal journalistic standard which states that you always use someone’s preferred pronouns and stated name? Do you also have to “investigate further” by “reading other articles” every time you need to know what 2+2 is? Do you just make assumptions about what color the sky is, and pray if

Starred because I want everybody to see how you’re so desperate to spew ignorance that you took a tongue-first flying leap down here to the comments and didn’t notice that the article is about a male transgender student.