
And the acceptance speech for Best Picture, a movie who’s script was written by a bigot, directed by a man who whips his dick out in public, and was based on a dubious account of said bigot’s father of how he was made not racist anymore because he knew a black guy for more than a week, failed to mention Don Shirley at

Michael Cera playing a character devoid of charm or humour?!? Unprecedented! 

That was you? A pox on your house, good sir!

Meanwhile, on Law & Order, a delivery guy won’t stop unloading boxes while detectives question him about a murder.

Weird City. the Black Mirror Comedy that wasn’t. 

How has Bryan Singer skated by for so long? He is well overdue for his Weinstein/Spacey moment.

On the first day of Christmas,

Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

Well, well Merry Christmas, you F-ers!

God bless us F-eryone!

This is probably one of the most nuanced, real, sex-positive articles I’ve read on objectification and female characters. Too often these conversations turn into, “All attractive sexually immodest portrayals of real or fictional women are objectification! Let’s cry oppression/abuse/exploitation every time we see it,

Agreed. It's so rare to find productive and interesting discourse around this topic, which is a shame because this kind of controversial female character design is an extremely common and underacknowledged trope in games.

Great article! Soul Calibur’s character designs have always been form over function, but I always felt like the male characters incorporated story elements into their designs more than the female ones. I think SCV is the outlier where they threw out a lot of what people loved and really focused on the story (which

What a great article about how someone can have a variety of complex, nuanced—and, most importantly—evolving viewpoints about not just a divisive topic, but all the sexist/misogynistic baggage around that character. Thank you for writing this.

I admit I hated him in the first episode of the season and was really dreading his being a companion but he’s kind of stealing the show right now. Good mixture of the guy who makes the meta jokes as audience surrogate and everybody’s favorite uncle

Each week, Graham keeps jumping up my lists of favorite companions. His chats with Yaz and Prem may have put him right below Ace, my all-time favorite.

I thought this one was even better than “Rosa.” I was pulled in to the story from minute one, and really don’t have any complaints. It helps that I coincidentally did some reading on the Partition of India last week, which is something that I really knew nothing about.

It’s hard to know what to say. I’m a gay man who got pretty screwed up by my particular religious upbringing and had a very hard time articulating my sexuality to my father (who is an infinitely better man than Mac’s dad). So that final dance was brutal (and my god, if you ever doubted De Vito can act watch his

This was a fascinating read. Thank you for this Heather and thank you Shankar for doing this as well.

Fortnite isn’t my type of game, but like Eve, it has become something of a joy to read about. All these real-time events and happenings the devs are putting in are just so interesting to watch.