Swing and a miss on #1, Doc.
This this this this this.
Ugh. My best friend was a middle school teacher for a time and had a student make a very obvious pass at him.
My friend (being a good person who has no interest in sleeping with a middle schooler) immediately informed his boss and made sure the school knew to keep this girl out of his class etc. But i know it was…
Yeah, one of the pieces of advice I’ve found myself giving friends recently—for differing reasons—is to “create an environment where what you want is encouraged to grow.”
One thing I think is missing from the response to the first letter is... ROMANCE. Sometimes the mundanities of life demand that romance take a backburner (when you’re both busy with work, busy with kids, busy with other family members, etc.) and those times are also, usually when the sex stops. And this dude’s…
On #1, yes, it could be that she expects more initiative on your part, or that there is a communication problem and you need to both talk about sex without making it about blaming one of you for not putting out.
Man, Hot For Pastor is just barking up all the wrong trees, and I think your advice is spot on, Nerdlove. He needs to get out of that church. And if he really is a minor and a 20 something youth pastor is subtly making moves on him, he probably needs to consider reporting that dude to some kind of authority.
You put a lot of time into this comment, and I respect that
“Come for the sensual, slow examination of these two women. Stay for the fucking!” —high minded film critic
‘Blue is the Warmest Color’ showed some true filmmaking craft and empathy. It also made the biggest blunder I can recall in recent memory. The film is a sensual and slow examination of these two women, down to how they eat, flirt, and discover each other. So when it comes time for our main character Adele’s first…
Like, how can you be so down on the human experience, A.A. Dowd? Do you even remember how to make love? Maybe Kechiche just had something to say in words that can’t be contained within the soulful bounds of like, grammatical expression? Maybe we are heading towards the end of everything! Did you consider? Did you even…
À la recherche de gros culs.
Whoa! I haven’t seen this photo in a long time! It’s working on me like Proust’s madeleine!
Old Crank Reveals New Crank to Yank
Thor is the god of thunder, not lightning. And not hammers, either.
I feel somehow like “not doing what you’re capable of so your friend’s feelings don’t get tweaked” recursively would re-make you not worthy. Interestingly they do seem to have a similar attitude as I do to what exactly it is that makes Thor (and not others) worthy that Cap might not have all the time (I once called it…
I interpret the slight movement as Mjolnir saying “This one’s worthy! Wait...not quite. Not now, but someday, in a moment of need when it will be really cool.”