
Me too. I’ll probably bookmark it. How great to read something so positive, where the actor absolutely loves and has had so much fun in everything she’s be in.

Thank you.  I’ve always found her utterly adorable and it’s nice to know that the real person, despite all her travails, is so warm and funny.

Really loved that interview, it was a great read,  so thank you for it.

Bummer, the Arrow reviews tended to yield the best discussion of the lot, I felt. I remember the highs of Arrow seasons two & three  

The A.V. Club is discontinuing weekly coverage for now [...]

Boo. I ended up falling behind last season, but I was interested in catching up via these reviews. Is The A.V. Club just discontinuing weekly coverage across the board now? What shows even get that privilege these days?

Well, whatever. I’m glad Felicity’s

David Schwimmer is NOT appetizing to a pack of wolves.

“Even David Schwimmer is appetizing to a pack of wolves.”

Even David Schwimmer’s anti-Ross can’t save Will & Grace’s season premiere

‘Remember: “No.” is a complete sentence.’ is probably the single best statement to come out of your columns here, and I tend to feel your columns are very, very rich in solid advice/perspective.

Also, devs confirmed that you’ll be able to ‘romance’ a bunch of characters, most are bisexual - either for one night stands or for a long lasting relationship.

Carefully rendered naked male butts? You can’t take my money fast enough. =D

The 100 has been renewed for Season 6!

I’m as much a superhero story veteran as most anybody here, and I was fully invested in that ending despite any metatextual understanding of where this will end up.

Ethan, the adorable child who didn’t want to leave Uncle Jaha’s side, forced us to reinvest emotionally in Jaha. Isaiah Washington is a great actor, but the audience needs a reason to care about the character. If Jaha had died in Season 3 there would’ve been a sigh of relief.

I’m also so relieved that they are letting Miller have a relationship with Jackson that makes sense. They actually kiss! I know that sounds like no big deal, but Miller’s relationship with Bryan was so stilted, with two actors who looked so uncomfortable together. Jackson is someone we know and care about, so this

“Affecting”, not “effecting”.

But yes, I thought this was the perfect ending for Jaha. The character really went off the rails with the A.L.I.E. storyline, arguably the weakest one the show has had yet, but this really brought him back around to the pragmatic leader from the first season — the man who sent his own son

When Clarke finds Jasper’s personal effects (affects?) my first reaction was to go “do NOT cry over that asshole! Fuck Jasper!”. I didn’t realize I still hated him so much.

- After 3 and a half seasons of S.H.I.E.L.D. mowing down Hydra agents left and right, it seems weird that Daisy wanted to go so soft on Ruby. Particularly since, unlike the audience, she doesn’t know Ruby’s backstory. All Daisy knows is that Ruby wants to kill her and she chopped Yo Yo’s arms off. And yet she wanted

This episode was satisfying only in context of the past season or two, which had largely been miserable overwrought murder plots. During seasons 5 and 6 I would make a weekly “remember when this show was a weekly romp about covering up which Senator was sleeping with which college student?” aside, but this year was