
This movie has everything. It’s like a Stefon description of a club. Deception, infidelity, bad wigs, a rotten dock, one of those country farm stands, a guy who likes like Pacey from Dawson’s Creek, but with tattoos, in an old striped truck...

Yeah, when I read “champion for democracy” my first thought was “oh, so a white lady”. It’s easier to be a champion for democracy when you’re not bogged down by the whole “acknowledge my humanity” struggle that women of color have been dealing with.

This sounds awesome... how does one support this kind of lifestyle? I’m seriously asking... Is there a way to do this that does not involve wealthy parents?

i love hanging out with my white friends

I love Channing Tatum because he slakes my lust for a “down ass white boy” in way I will never have again with the problematic Mark Wahlberg.

Are you fucking kidding me?! If I had a dollar for every time somebody made a derogatory racial comment, realized they were with me, and said, “I didn’t mean you. You’re different”, Bill Gates would be looking up at me on the Forbes leaderboard. And it hurt. Every.Fucking.Time.

ooh! Ooh! My mom’s family is from S. Florida, so “family vacation” always meant “visit Gramma and Grampa in Ft. Lauderdale. Cool. It has a beach! My grandparents live like, on the damn beach so my brother and I would jump out of the car, throw on a swim suit and run head long into the water on a semi public-ish beach

This girl sounds incredibly bad ass, and so does her mother. And fuck the fucking misogynistic media.

Not only do I love that Caitlyn spells her name with a C and not a K, but she broke the Internet on the same day that The Kardashians tried to get us excited about 9 more months of Kim’s maternity fashion disasters. This is way more important. You go, girl.

I don’t even have a matte sense of purpose, let alone a shiny one.

I love IG for it! lol And on a serious note, I love the positive comments people have. I hope it does open up dialogue and helps people put a face to transgender issues and the process of making the transition. Wishful thinking, but one can hope.

One time, when I was in high school, we went to try on prom dresses at the mall. I tried on this Ugly green one just because it was so ugly....and when I put it on, I got stuck in it. Straight up my Boobs would not come out after I had stuffed them in there. I called one of my friends in the dressing room and she

This brown girl loves getting browner and just wants racism to not exist.

Who would win in a fight? Adam Levine, a.k.a the human equivalent of testing positive for chlamydia or sentient cloud of Axe Body Spray, Robin Thicke?


This is what winning the breakup looks like.

She ain’t lost, she’s getting fucking paid to be an obnoxious POC GOP Media rep. I’m betting a 5-10 million annual stipend from the Koch/Fox war chest.

Have you seen a picture of his peen? Dude is hung like a horse. It’s terrifying.

And for that I call bullshit on any feminist that tries to claim such. Women should be free to cover up as much as they feel comfortable.