
So can Miley and Ariana be a couple? Because I support that 100%. #Mariana

The line was CRAZY long! But my friend managed to see Breyshere and said he was sweet as can be. When she asked for a hug and security told him no, he held her hand instead. It was cute. :)

Now playing

This song does it every time. *infinitely sighs*

THIS VIDEO. I've been watching this video on repeat and blasting the song. While the song is absolutely amazing in it's own right the video, it just does something more. I cried the first time (and several times after) I saw it and was stunned into silence. It just moves something in you. If this doesn't earn some

Katy's reaction was priceless. Her face says what I'm feeling.

Mine was at an all boys school too! It was the sister school of my all girls school. Also like you I had little to no dance experience. I think the only reason I made it was because the judges knew my brother. (And the fact I looked like I was about to cry/vomit the entire time) Btw imo you are a star, it's their

I remember trying out for flag/baton twirling, that dream was promptly cut short when at my audition I smacked three girls across the face with a flag while awkwardly trying to turn it. The flag was too big and I was just way too little! In better news I did make the dance team and haven't stopped since!

I'd imagine it's horrible. It probably was just this one particular store although after the incident though it just kind of turned me off from the place as a whole.

Yeah it's mainly done to keep the cooking environment clean and uncontaminated. Many places will just up and make you a new sandwich/food if something is not how you want because they know the health risks of taking it back. Or people could be sensible and ask for a knife if there sandwich wasn't cut and do it

I hate Jimmy Johns solely for the reason the one in my town broke the biggest health rule of all time. DO NOT TAKE BACK ANYONE'S FOOD AFTER THEY OPENED IT AND PUT IT BACK ON THE PREP BOARD. I was horrified. Like that literally is the fastest way diseases are spread and when they were made aware of this they got