
Except that since this study is based on the top 100 grossing films of each year, not all films that were theatrically released in a year, it tells us more about what audiences are interested in going to than about discrimination by Hollywood. For example, off the top of my head, Meryl Streep, Helen Mirren, and Tilda

Once upon a time... yes. Dogs through the window, man. Dogs through the window...

The BBC Robin Hood is one of the best TV shows in the last 10 years as far as I'm concerned. Like you said it took a few episodes to find its stride but was great once they did. The only good Robin Hood movie was the Disney cartoon.

That quote was from Nightmare Before Christmas, right? I’m pretty sure it’s “I am the one hiding under your bed...”

Just make sure you have a real fan, not someone claiming to be a fan just to get a paycheck. Otherwise you get this:

“In Philadelphia it used to be more of a division of ethnic backgrounds, rather than race, ..”

To be honest I think alot of that segregation is on the people themselves moving near to their own race groups on purpose. When I moved to the US I made sure that we didnt do that unlike others that moved at the same time. In the end we were happier for it and learned the culture easier without all that racial drama.

Not as insane as Twin Peaks being in the Morning Spoilers!

I remember the times when Collector’s Editions were a big deal and an actual celebration of a game release.

I would simply use the “bad science” as a good way to introduce them to the good science. Simply use it as a way to teach: “That sure was a fun movie! But you know, real dinosaurs actually had feathers! Here, let’s watch this documentary on it together and then do some really hardcore research. Remember to cite your

What i STILL dont get, is why huniepop and sakura spirit are banned... the Witcher 3 has WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more sex and nudity than ANYTHING huniepop has, even the uncensored version of huniepop is just hentai images for the completion

If only THIS had been the story they used for Aliens vs Predator. If only.

Because it's a great movie, and a great encapsulation of the source material. And it did it on a comparatively tiny budget.

It's clear what they were doing up there.

They have to rush them because they lose the rights to Terminator in 2019.

I'm sorry, but I saw that image and thought, "That's a big coprolite."

I LARPed a Malkavian once in college (yeah I'm that girl). For some reason there was a "clan meeting", but no one was playing Nosferatu that game so I sat under the table and pretended I was the Nosferatu clan leader.

Definitely bump the Toreador and Nosferatu up a notch or two. The two best characters we ever had were a Toreador and a Nosferatu.

The Nosferatu was played by my buddy, who had 3 dots into Obfuscate, and was an assassin prior to being embraced. He would wake up "wearing" the face of one of his victims every night,

Personally, I'd bump the Toreador and Nosferatu up a notch or two, because with a creative player in control, they can be awesome. I'd also kick the Ventrue and Assamites down a notch or two because of their weaknesses; the Ventrue are SOL if they don't have their preferred blood-from-a-Gemini-left-handed-vagabond (or


Nope nope nooooope