
Too soon!


My unbiased opinion is that there needs to be more Mystery Science Theater.

Holy Appleseed!

Undead Teds are available on eBay.

Treat them like backpacking with wild animals.
Avoid large herds and watering holes, bring your own supplies, and know when it's best to just let the apex predators devour your weaker offspring.
... wait...

Because, Japan.

This is my favourite. It's just beautiful.

God, these are absolutely amazing! I love the style and atmosphere of the original trilogy so much. I recently started playing a Star Wars Edge of the Empire tabletop game and it has reaffirmed in me how much I believe Star Wars should stay in the wheelhouse of seedy space frontiers filled with charming rogues and


Having all those rogues start their criminal lives in Gotham is a bit on the silly side. I thought this was going to be like the Gotham Central series?

Right. Because this in no way screams Batman! kids!

They died out from unexpected but inevitable betrayal, everyone knows that.

Are you referring to the biblical flood, or the flood that killed the forerunners and triggered the development of the galactic life exterminating halo devices?

ok, as a girl who has been star wars obsessed since she was in utero (my mother went to A New Hope while 5 months pregnant), I can see your point. Look at what we've had thus far Leia, Mon Mothma, Cindel in the Ewok films, The horror that is padame/Amidala (Not even going to bother spell checking that, as i hate the

"No, but..." Sneak-peak: all the Dark Sky parks. If a location is on that list, it has excellent stargazing. On Sunday, I'll be doing a round-up of how to estimate the stargazing-potential of places not on that list.

Mystery Science Theater 3000

Taught me that we're in control of how we deal with the horrible things life throws at us. Arming yourself with good friends and a great sense of humor can make terrible situations not only bearable, but even enjoyable. Laughter is our greatest weapon against the insanity and terror of

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Full fathom five thy father lies;