
Wait... even before this whole fiasco he STILL worked for the government after all that shit?

National Treasure, he gets arrested.

I'm just glad Rob didn't write this review...


So this all leaves me with two questions:

Oh the irony. I can't. I just can't.

Now playing

There were tragic, unforeseen consequences.

White people need to be more conscious of how their domination of global culture affects how non-hegemonic groups are able to portray themselves.

Another game that had so much potential was Killer Instinct. I get the pricing model with charging per character instead of per game, but there's no story mode whatsoever to give the characters life! A big reason I play video games is for the story aspect, so it's a shame to see this going by the wayside in many


oh misconceptions how you taunt me... velociraptors where about the size of chickens....


It depends on the general kind of group, but to answer your question: It depends on the system but in general it's nothing like what you saw. Things like experience, levels happen only after the session, 'attacks' are handled differently (a bit more discretely in general). Most LARP games I've seen in general

Honestly, it's less of a ghost town now and more of a ghost plot. At least it was a year or so ago when my boyfriend, a geology major, took me for a visit. The thing that's really worth seeing, though, is this really long, warped and cracked road that winds back into the trees. Kids have tagged it up and down and

For the movie especially, they based the look (and background story) of Silent Hill off of Centralia!

Funny you should say that- Centralia actually was an inspiration for Silent Hill.

I thought the danger was more from pockets of coal gas, rather than the fire, but you sound like your from round there, so know better than I :)

Did not know folks lived there either! Brave buggers, in the photo's I've seen of the place it always reminded me of Silent Hill.

And it all began with a cult setting a girl on fire...

The only way Sharknado 2 would get me pumped was if it featured the cast of Twister.