

Everything that’s being offered here is already being offered somewhere else, somewhere people already do these things.”

Barb wire certainly wasn’t taken seriously, and as entertaining as Tank Girl is, it was a weird indie flick. Hardly a block buster. 


I wish more people would work on changing things rather than work on leaving. Some of us can’t leave and when all the people who could help us change leave, we’re stuck with not enough people to change things.

I’m living in the same kind of areaa small town with very few shopping options, and I’m also disabled and essentially home bound. My husband does all the grocery shopping for us (while also working 2 jobs, so he’s rarely at home or available for making shopping trips out of town). And because I can’t get in the car a

These Mandos are closer to the Karen Traviss version than anything we’ve seen, and I adore that. Of course they had the Dadalorian’s back when he decided to get Baby Yoda. Family, for them, means a great deal. Even moreso now that there are so few of them left. Traviss’s Mandos always put a tremendous emphasis on

Delia’s girls were the cool girls of my teen hood.

As was pointed out by my partner when I told her about this, and I’m paraphrasing a bit here: “That’s quite the elaborate way of going about server downtime and upgrades! If we had tried to do that everyone would be screaming obscenities at us and telling us we suck.

It was a solid first season and I was very interested in seeing where the show was going in season 2. Now I’m worried that season 2 is going to have a completely different tone. 

Unpopular opinion: I did not think it was boring and enjoyed the show. I would like to see where a second season goes.

I remember The Matrix being very coy in the trailers and I think I enjoyed it more because of it.

Deet wasn’t “played” by Nathalie Emmanuel. Emmanuel only did the voice work, and that was done after the filming had been completed. She added her voice to a character that had already been brought to life by puppeteers Beccy Henderson and Katherine Smee.

More Deet.

I have to admit seeing Fusco in Punisher Season 2 was disconcerting for a minute or two.

That only applies to the Florida park and even then there’s areas not covered by that contract, hence why they have the Guardians Of The Galaxy ride and the forthcoming Ant Man And Wasp simulator ride. Given I live in the UK I wouldn’t complain if Paris ends up getting a Marvel land like Galaxys Edge before Florida,

Now playing

Neat. This also gives me the tangential excuse to post this:

This is “Tank Girl.”

Yes, but...if you hold B will they let you run?

Some time in the distant future...