
That’s exactly the location in question. There’s been a ton of possible uses for the old Discovery Island, none of them have panned out.

Haha, all true statements. Touche.

Well, if we’re going to get picky about it, it technically is the largest currently. The Saturn V hasn’t exactly launched since 1973 after all.

Well, Disney is building a land in Animal Kingdom based on someone out there cares.

To be fair, Thriller was nearly 14minutes long and directed by the iconic John Landis.

That entire movie was brilliantly done. I show people that movie and they wonder how they’ve lived until then having not...

2nd to last photo, the rider standing up (blue shirt) has a phone in his hand. Possible that the man in the center of the one above that is looking at one too, but it’s hard to say for certain.

One thing that stands out to me with the original, is that it shows people other than the Ghostbusters.

You’d be many people think this is a sequel. It’s actually very easy to see how the regular public wouldn’t see the difference with how it’s’s vague enough that it could be taken that way easily.

Okay then, how about this...from the guy who wrote and directed the movie. Splain that, huh?

Good chance I am, but considering they got the 4 scientist thing wrong and this is Sony....I’m gonna be picky on that. Know your own damn movies ~.^

I don’t even think they would’ve had to do that. It would’ve been nice, but they could’ve been in Chicago, LA, New Orleans, Philadelphia, Boston...hell, even Detroit and only had a very very minor connection.

So, when they go to see it and realize it’s not a continuation and get pissed and tell their friends....that helps this movie how?

Feig is on record saying the events of the first two didn’t happen for this one. So yeah, this is 100% a reboot of the franchise in that regard, unless he’s been lying the whole time.

To be fair, Jedi and Sith hadn’t really been public since the end of the Clone Wars. So it’s a lot longer than 30 years. 30 years ago you had one kid and his dad fighting to the death, there really weren’t any other Jedi around. So, it’s entirely plausaible that not everyone in the galaxy had met either one of

To be fair, Feig is on record saying he had no idea or leads on how to make a sequel so many years later, and swore that this would be way scarier. Not seeing the scary here at all either.

Well, there is no “Plus version” really. The Galaxy Note series takes the place of that. So, if you want the super giant phones, that’s where you head. They’re still currently on the Note 5, so Note 6 will be the next release there. While they do fuel each other a bit sometimes, the GalaxyS series is pretty much it’s

Okay, that is a bit weird! I wonder why...

In Japan, and many other places, it is Red vs Green. It’s only Red vs Blue in NA because of the release here as such.