
It’s not that, it’s that it opens the door to a lot more characters and much harder story lines. For the longest time they shied away R ratings because they thought “No way will it make money”

It’s made over $260mil world wide. So, it’s made 5x it’s budget already almost and has plenty of time to go yet. I think it’s safe to say it is a game changer.

Understandable! Especially back then as we didn’t have YouTube and other places to watch it after.

You miss the original’s Super Bowl ad? Cause, that was “scared people”, “death of lots of people”, “white house blowing up”, in that order.

The original ID4's Super Bowl ad showed a bunch of people burning to death in their cars in L.A., so was serious too.

Actually, they’ve explained a lot of what’s happened on the website...might go have a look and see.

I can’t remember where the articles were, but he mostly feigned wanting to leave the originals alone because they were so good.

Um, this one has some of it in it:

Yep, it’s a total reboot. The events of the original two never happened.

That would work if the 80s movies ever happened, which for this one? They haven’t...because Feig is a moron and couldn’t figure out how to make it a sequel/shared universe movie.

I’m actually surprised no one has brought up his performance in CBGB. He was absolutely stellar in that flick.

Why is anyone surprised at this? To think that Disney buying Pixar would be anything but an avenue to make sequels to movies that make money is absurd.

I soured on him, and the movie, when he said he couldn’t concievably imagine a world where a sequel would make sense. Apparently he missed the line in the first movie about the franchise rights. Feig then went onto say that he wanted a world where ghosts hadn’t been seen yet.

That all just screams “I can’t do this any

Again, my theater has 22 showings tomorrow, starting at 9am. You think they’re all full? Cause I don’t..that’s wasted space.

22 showings, that’s how many my local theater has tomorrow (and every day). I think most of those are mostly empty. No point in having a ton if there’s no butts in the seat. Maybe JJ can’t make a movie over 2hr15? lol

That may have been a thing before Digital, but who cares now? There’s still 22 showings at my local theater tomorrow, increasing the run time 30min isn’t going to tear into that too much. In fact, if they did have a few less maybe they’d be more full...went Friday mid-afternoon and the theater wasn’t even close to

There was apparently a ton of stuff changed, cut, or just left out...not sure why any of it was. It’s not like a movie with a 2:45:00 run time would’ve been bad...most fans would’ve loved if it was around 3 hours probably lol

Toilet paper, the next big merch space!’re telling me all that pink hairdye and those football pad sets I got from Play it Again aren’t worth anything now?!

Weirdly, not really. The Dualshock controller from Sony is the only one that has the angles in the middle like that one. So, it pretty much IS a Playstation controller bit. Whether or not that’s intended is another matter but no other controller uses that (as far as consoles go that is).

That’s fair enough. I can respect that opinion there. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I may need to watch it again with a more critical eye and focus just on the acting to see it too.

As for the actors being frustrated, I think the other reply shined a light on that.