
Fury Road is some very old school style stuff when it comes to storytelling. We, as viewers, are just tossed into the world along with Max. Just like he does, we learn via seeing the events as he does. Not everything makes sense, it doesn’t have to either.

It’ll have been 8 years by the time Civil War hits. How long do you want to draw this thing out?

Actually, there is something to this, as you pointed out. The more one is raised around hearing various accents of the world, and to be fair just the US with it’s fair share can be nuts, is far more likely to have an ear for them and be able to work them out. Yes, it can be picked up down the road, but if you’re

The TV Show was scrapped because they utterly destroyed everything to love about the movie with it’s sequel of “3 episodes from the TV show” in a movie. It was complete trash, and went nowhere. That’s why there’s no TV show from it, because it sucked.

Also, don’t know how you could leave out mentioning the cast this

Sadly it’s only a temporary thing.

A guy who was drunk and falling all over himself. The game was also going horribly, but yeah...keep hangin’ onto that 40+ year old story.

You have to live in some god forsaken spit of land to get that few people out...or was it one of those things where it was a 7pm “midnight” open?

I’m wondering what a “smaller” con is now in this context. I mean, I’ve been to conventions that don’t quit until 2am with programming and then there’s all the after parties. These are conventions with as little as 6,000 people at them, in fact, even conventions that were much smaller, 1200-2000 range, still had that

Most people will say yes. I haven’t played it myself, but they keep dishing out free content, so always something new to do, which is nice. I think more levels and weapons are coming again soon too.

Everyone I know that plays the game, absolutely loves it.

That’s because of Feig on this one. He wanted a world where ghosts weren’t known, blah blah blah. He also said he couldn’t figure out how to make a sequel...apparently missed the whole “Franchise rights alone will be worth millions” line in the first one.

So far, everything from this one seems to be almost a parody of

This could be summed up in just a few words.

I don’t think movie studios are going anywhere. Who else has the bankroll to fund a $50mil movie? Not even getting into the bigger budget stuff that’s over $150mil at a shot. Individual actors? Hell no, most of them are totally centered on those movies being made that else will they get their huge pay days?

Nope, the original sketch from Akroyd had landau bars on the side, no rear windows, etc. Combinations (Hearse/Ambulance) always had windows in the back and no landau bars visible. While some did have removable panels, you can see in the sketch from “Making Ghostbusters” that it’s clearly a hearse and not an ambulance.

Hearse/Ambulance combos would’ve been fitted with such.

Oh that’s exactly what I meant really. There were people who wouldn’t rent to Irish or Italians, etc in the past. It was a segregation nightmare. Now it’s mostly between blacks and whites as the ethnic end of things has faded, though still prevelant in some areas.

I was thinking the same thing. Thankfully another photographer got at least Jinx in a shot that isn’t butchered so you can see how well it’s done more clearly

Yeah, this is something that shouldn’t be shocking at all. People will move to where they’re the most comfortable most of the time, and their own race, culture, religion, etc all are a big part of that comfort feeling.

It is somewhat true. Mostly since it’s a given how most things are going to go for the most part, they care more about how it gets there, rather than what the getting there is.

Airplane is a parody, even satire in some situations, of the disaster movie. It’s like Mel Brooks films or Weird Al Yankovic. So yes, it’s a comedy. Cabin in the woods, however, is a horror movie at it’s core. Mostly since horror movies have always used humor to their advantage, suspsense or thrillers? That’s another

Cabin in the Woods is still a horror movie. It’s a genre breaking horror movie, but to argue that it’s not is purely academic in nature and won’t change what it is at it’s core.