
They’re not the actual numbers, just estimates based on several factors. However, they’re usually a decent indication of things. The full tally won’t be known until tomorrow because of what you pointed out.

It’s a total reboot and the events of the other movies never happened in this one. Which is what Feig wanted, since he couldn’t see how to tie it in and wanted people to experience discovering ghosts for the first time (he missed that whole franchise line in the first movie apparently).

The reason a lot of anime series don’t make sense is because they’re condensed versions of much longer manga series. Often they only get the highlights or one part of an arc, if it isn’t popular with the viewing audience? They get axed after only 12-13 episodes.

You’re seriously saying that a movie where a guy trains “velociraptors” and rides along side them on a motorcycle and a theme park that’s like the SeaWorld/Disney of “Dinosaurs” is being serious? I’m beginning to wonder how that’s even possible.

I think it’s more the idea that he’s just inserting his formula to a very beloved classic. Which, can work, or backfire horribly. I mean the idea for this could’ve been tied in, thanks to one line in the first Ghostbusters; “The franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams”

Would make sense if in the original that was a thing, but none of the guys outside of Tully had any interest in her at all...and his was only until Ghostbusters 2. This just seems like “gag casting” at first glance.

Doubt that’ll happen, since Feig doesn’t want to reference the original at all...yet seems to be doing a parody more than anything else with this so far.

It would seem that’s the route they’re taking. I mean, Feig has already come out and said that he turned down other versions because he wanted the movie “his way” and pretty much hinted that he didn’t care to do anything out of his comfort zone.

I’m starting to wonder if this is just a parody movie and the one that

So, spending an extra $100 is the solution? That’s not the point, these things boot straight into SteamOS. The idea is to get away from MS...yet everyone keeps saying just install Windows. Why? Seriously just stop. Get the Alienware Alpha (You can right now) with the Xbox controller and be done with it then. Why spend

What’s the point if you can only play the game on medium settings for the big budget games then? They’ll nearly identical to what the Xbox/PS4 can pump out in quality then. Also, since you can’t upgrade the lower end ones (even some of the higher end ones), you’ll be not playing the newest games in the best way you

They definitely would be able to. Unlike consoles the OS of the machine you’re using doesn’t matter in PC gaming as you’re connecting to the games servers and not Sony’s, Microsoft’s or Nintendo’s.

I’d venture it’s not for anyone.

Valve/Steam isn’t making them. They’re letting 3rd parties do that with specs all over the map. That’s why this is doomed to fail, it’s fragmented and complicated.

But why would anyone spend money on this? It’s not marketed to enthusiast gamers at all. They already have machines that can work with Linux or Windows. It’s for new gamers...who will balk at the idea that for $550 they get something that will be outdated in 2 years with no way to upgrade, so they’ll be stuck playing

Borderlands 2 is 3 years old. Civ5 is 5 years old.

That would be everything Gawker related. It’s all jumbled and spread across one another. Kotaku, i09, Gizmodo,’ll see articles from them on each of those pages without knowing it. It’s’s a horrible, horrible system and you never know what you’re reading or where it was originally posted.

Then perhaps the HR should be trained to do their jobs better? Just a thought there...why isn’t this stuff taught to them? Falling back “they don’t know any better” shows incompetence in the entire department.

I present to you, The Incredible Hulk. The only MCU movie to not make it’s budget in the US. It was pretty much crap.

“All but dead in the West”, in what sense? If you’re speaking of retail sales then yes. That has more to do with the insane prices for physical copies of it. However, I’m pretty sure every anime/J-culture convention out there is actually growing in attendance numbers.

Construction is very much underway at Animal Kingdom, it’s visible from outside the park as well if you take the Disney Transportation buses in. So, yep, it’s coming whether folks want it or not.