
Don't try to assume anything about me by a couple of comments, you just look like an ass.


What do you think has a greater effect on that same 10 year old black girl; the obvious satire and poking fun at things from one of the most prominent music artists, or the videos from her own culture that consistently have a track record in demeaning and degrading women? You know, her own cultural role models have

Oh, so all the stereotypes against white people that happen are cool too? There's tons of that which goes on as well out there.

I'm right there with ya. If the game has a good story and gets into things with the characters, that's a huge bonus. Brings the whole thing to life even more. Without that it's just a dump and forget game after one is tired of it.

Well the SNES version never came out, but the idea did manifest itself into reality with the N64DD...

Considering it seems like 80% of people out there only care about online multiplayer, it's not a bad move.

No, no fun for anyone.

Yep, it's the one thing that annoys me. Then again Utahraptor just doesn't have the same ring to it...

Wow Luke, did you intentionally write this to get a reaction or did someone kick your inner child to death?

Yet your upset about not knowing what's going on in this one? I'm a little confused there.

I don't know if you remember the old trailers, but they showed literally nothing. Today they give away the whole damn movie anymore.

"Ghost Plot", so many ways that could be taken...but you're right. Not much left at all these days.

Yeah, you should be fine. There are people who drive through the town all the time to get from Ashland to Mt Carmel or Aristes to Mt Carmel, etc. Route 61 is still maintained pretty good (well except for the bit that's closed and you have to go around).

Hey, why not? Vegas seriously has a betting line for how many times Manning says "Omaha". Can't be weirder than taking odds on scientific stuff really.

Sad, but the private citizens aren't directly involved with the ISS as they are with the NFL. Makes for a huge difference.

Pentagon =/= Pentagram

I think you're onto something...

There is the gas issue, and that definitely was one of the problems even 10 years ago. Since the fire has moved on (and ironically moving towards a town called Ashland), it's not much of a concern.