
Centralia really isn't that dangerous. Was just there this past summer and have been several times in the past as well. 15-20 years ago, definitely a bit more so; maybe even 10 years ago in some areas of the town.

I too had the same weird issue with the Wonderful 101 demo, just not enough to keep me interested.

Make it like Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate where you can shift data from the Wii U to 3DS and play with others using the Wii U has a local hub for MP and you'd be golden!

What the people who treat this kind of stuff to learn and understand about what to do in any disaster situation?

Actually, they'll use a lot of water in the construction process as well...cost aside and the ravings of other people, it does come at a cost to the drought situation too.

Considering that Nintendo consoles tend to run in 4-6 year intervals, it's really not too much of a stretch to think they'd be developing something or thinking about things already. It's likely they have several configurations and ideas of what to do with the next iteration, this is probably just one of many.

It's a great movie, but the song definitely loses it's touch when you know the actual translation of the chanting to start it's pretty, well...yeah...

Someone should sue them for using and making games. There's tons of other game companies out there with the same name that have been around for a longer period of time.

The problem is that it's a witch hunt and is now being completely discredited. They could've very easily made a very accurate documentary and still gotten their message across, but they chose to lie. Even Dawn's own family has come out saying that it wasn't what they were told. It's lost all credibility.

Yeah, only a few more weeks to find that out. Going to be interesting to see how that goes over.

I should've clarified that, was the Japan figures where the Wii U outsold the PS3 in it's first 54 weeks.

I think some of it has been "chest thumping". The whole, "Oh yeah, you've got it bad? Well I do this!", has become a weird trend in and of itself. Maybe that's being mistaken. No one wants to do it, but it becomes sort of a thing to hang your hat on weirdly enough.

Some valid points there, I'll admit to that. They do need to work on their online system and it hopefully will improve. That said, the games I've played with online multiplayer haven't been that bad at all, not as great as Xbox Live, but even Sony hasn't gotten there yet fully. It does need a lot of work to get up to

Good point, there were a lot of people saying that, but not every news site on the planet (or so it seems). Maybe the blogosphere's growth does has something to do with it, not sure, but it's getting bloody annoying.

Oh, I agree fully with a lot of that. I was just pointing out that even when Sony was at it's worst, no one in their right mind was telling them to drop out of the console race. I don't get why everyone is doing that to Nintendo right now, they're not doing great, but they're not down and out. Maybe the PS4 and Xbox

There's a reason Blackfish didn't even get nominated. It's horribly twisted, even family of Dawn (the supposed focus of Blackfish) has come out against it. Trainers that were interviewed have said they were lied to and even Duffus, claimed as an "expert" in the film is on public judicial record stating the the first

And Sony just recently had to sell of their major HQ's in the US and Japan to keep things afloat. The PS3 actually sold less in it's first 54 weeks than the Wii U did. Where was all the doom and gloom back then? It was disappointing but nowhere near this level of hyperbole.

It's not a bold dream at all, it's yours to have but as many others have pointed out it's just plain out stupid and ignores so much.

So Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Pikman 3, Wonderful 101, ZombiU (a bit glitchy, but still not bad), Scribblenauts, LEGO City Undercover and several other classic and indie games on the eShop aren't enough? There's currently well over 75 games on the Wii U and eShop, I think that's a lot more than just 4 games. This year

Well, remember that there are real people behind them that are creating things. Is it really any different than a DJ that produces music electronically or a composer that just puts notes onto paper for someone else to perform?