
You're right, they don't want competition but the fact that local municipalities do help them achieve that in many places doesn't help either. I was merely pointing out the fact that some have laws and restrictions in place for doing that. Are those the result of pressure from ISPs and the like? Quite possibly and I

Actually this also has to do with local municipalities getting in the way. Our town won't let other ISPs move in (I am working on fixing that issue), but they had a "deal" with the one cable company are keeping everyone out due to that. We've had the same mayor for like 26 years here...over 50% of the town has DirecTV

Wow, glad we don't have that! I don't think many would stand for that...but $1/gb is crazy expensive. Still, wish you folks up north didn't have to suffer shit internet...I travel there a lot so I know the pain, even if just a little.

Not "will be" we already are getting smoked by most countries out there when it comes to cost vs speed. With some places (like where I live) with data caps and piece meal charging if go over that cap...we're already in that territory of suckage.

In the US here, have a 150gb cap. Go over? $10 per 50gb. Sucks ass and no choice to switch.

Where I live I already get charged for more less in the US. Internet is a joke in this country anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if our local ISP goes this route sooner than everyone else since they have zero idea of what they're doing outside of screwing over customers. Sure some places have it much worse, but we're

I was just thinking the same thing. Though, I think she's referring to the short hand of carbon dioxide emissions, "carbon emissions". Even though that term is inaccurate as well, it's the current new term folks have been using a lot.

I can see the need for characters that aren't fully known or if there is a compelling story to tell down the road that needs the foundation. Additionally, some characters just need it due to insane amounts of background material, need to set up the world and the rules while tossing out the rest.

Well, it won't run any games that require Windows, which is a lot. So until they're all OpenGL...not at all.

The numbers wouldn't be nearly as off if the RUB hadn't changed in 1998 when 1 RUB became the equivalent to 1000 RUB.

Something tells me it will get a series, or at least a movie or something down the road. Right now Trigger is a bit tied up though...until Kill la Kill is over that is.

"at launch"'s been out for a year.

Just don't play the Army of Darkness drinking game...

Not to mention, he likely would be alive too!

You'd be surprised at what I've seen carried out of places lol

Well, of course not everyone. That's why I said most. There are quite a few who tag places or break things, etc for whatever reasons they have. It's always sad, but it does make for some interesting photography at times too.

Most people who explore these places, like myself, believe in the "leave only footprints" mantra...take it and the next person can't enjoy it.

Really need a disclaimer of how this is calculated in the article. The sheer number of comments wondering how it was tabulated shows that it's 100% necessary at this point and is confusing.

Seems like an incredible waste of helium...

Cameron came out and said that all of the stories he wants to tell in the future are set on Pandora. So, basically he thinks he can't do any movies outside of it...he might be right on that one lol