
You've fallen into their trap. Post a shit article and watch the commenters do their job for them. Seriously, they're doing that more and more lately and it's annoying.

Tell that to the folks running the show, SEPTA in Philly is pretty much dependent on the state of PA. People in Altoona are paying for SEPTA and will likely never step foot on the system. How's that work?

Yes, but the density in Chicago is very far from the density of the NE Corridor and likewise from the LA area. All of these places already have mass transit...the problem is, most of it sucks and is run horribly.

In 5 years, UHD/4K TV's will be this point Nintendo will have the only true 4K gaming's not a bad move on their part. MS and Sony have shoe horned themselves into a cycle that's going to miss out on that trend. There's no way they can compete with that.

As of right now it only supports one game pad. Nintendo has talked about adding the ability for two to be used at once in the future, but I haven't heard much on that recently. Part of this is due to the cost of them, they're about $80-$130 a piece...

Crime running out of control isn't exactly out of the realm of possibility at all. If current projections for population are correct, then there would be over 9 billion people on the planet in 2046. If anything were to happen where a government was centrally destabilized (like what happened to the USSR) you could find

They were going after women with certain characteristics, otherwise they would've just done that. Junkies in the show's time may have corrupted DNA and all kinds of things.

I'm going to go with the fact that the cops are likely outnumbered, severely.

Interesting that March or later is when the next big games come out. So, for most people who don't care about these...they'll be set up perfectly. I'm waiting until there's more than 4 or 5 games that seem interesting. So far there's zero here that haven't been out already that fit that category...

Yeah, it is kind of neat. Curious to see how it'll play out in the long run but something tells me it won't be as universally as loved as the Wii U pad, since the extra expense. Not to mention it's already doable for at least co-op in some Wii U games as well...okay, just Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate that I know of...

Except you have to pay $400 for the PS4 and then another $150-$200+ (if bundled) for the $300 to have it "in the box" compared to $550-$600+

Canada's Netflix service is as good as the US version? When did that happen?

Everyone I know is pretty much on G+ anymore...there's a few people out there that refuse and still use Facebook and I even do for business purposes at times, but 90% of my time is G+ and then a bit of Twitter and Tumblr tossed in for good measure.

Because the media (Gawker heavily so) still thinks G+ is a ghost town...

Accept that's not true at all...plenty of Arabic, Russian and Asian names in their native characters around on my G+.

I'd say this is more of a thing due to the Disney/Netflix deal that went down earlier that has every Disney owned property headed to Netflix by 2016 and beyond.

It pretty much is 24 hour news gobblygook...only labeled as such due to where it hit. Isabelle did just as much and I don't see them calling Katrina, Andrew, Floyd or Hugo "Super Storms" either.

I've lived through some pretty hellish storms. Andrew, Charley, Ivan, Jean, Frances, Floyd and countless tropical storms/depressions. It sucks big time, but lumping Sandy in with this storm that had reported 195mph sustained winds? You can't be serious here. Sandy was a bad storm for a lot of people but it's timing

In Japan the term anime means pretty much any animation. Doesn't matter if it's Disney, Dreamworks or from manga. Only in the West does it seem that it only applies to Japanese or other Asian based animation.

And just where do you propose to put the animals that don't know how to survive on their own from 100's of zoos? Both of these "zoos" aren't exactly well of them isn't even open to the public.