
That would be Mirage

No mention of the possibility that Abrams might be leaving Star Wars due to difficulties with Disney? That could definitely catapult things in line for a 2014 start for Star Trek 3...if there's any truth to it that is.

Sadly it is pretty much entirely gone now. The last time I drove past it which was a couple of years ago now, there wasn't anything left except for the one newer building that was being used across the street.

Usually I point people to The Wind Up Girl.

Danvers and Philadelphia (more commonly known as Byberry) are both sadly gone.

I'd argue that Buffy was. He did write the movie after all...

Those are traditionally built systems and only one is in the US. We're also talking about a tunnel that's significantly longer than traditional subways and far more complex. Even if they put the tube inside a tunnel as an extra barrier...if any part of the main tunnel were to collapse on the tube it would be, again,

Have you seen what happens to them in an earthquake?

No, but apparently he's overlooked the fact that it's one of the most active seismic areas in the world...

I was about to post something about the ground shaking problem that California's folly to build this an any earthquake zone.

Same here...then again, didn't overly expect to see a Ukranian surname on fact, there's not a lot of anything that's not Western or Northern Europe here at all.

I said it before and I'll say it again. The reason for trainers wearing their hair pulled up tightly against their heads is because it's a "grab point". The fact of the matter is, whales and dolphins like to play and her hair was down and in a very bad place.

Have you spent a lot of time near orca's? They like to play with things.

As I said, she knew the risks involved with working with a 12,000lbs animal. They all do. It's not a mystery and it is a regulation that they should have their pinned up against their head. She did not.

Okay, so you're saying that the whale had planned out an attack on a drunk guy who invaded it's space? That's the one that was found naked and all...

Um, the guy found in the tank? He was found to be highly intoxicated and naked. From the reports he had hid in a bathroom and thought it was a good idea to swim with the whales. Doesn't exactly take a lot of brains to figure that out.

Yeah, I have to agree. They knew the history but the trainers love these animals, dearly. They do need better facilities and the like though if they are going to keep them, I'll definitely agree to that and treatment in the past was horrible compared to today's standards.

Why build a bridge if it's hazardous to the workers?

So you're actually saying that this was premeditated murder?

She knew the risks, she also had her hair down in a way that was not safe and they knew it. That was negligence on her part, I know Sea World employees that knew her and it was a freak thing that happened, but the trainers know exactly what they're getting into.