
Actually, the show they did back in Feb? Most of the developers said it was running on a PC with "similar specs to the PS4" not the actual hardware. Chances are it was a dev kit...which is usually more powerful but it has actually bee stated that it wasn't the actual hardware 100%

You do realize that TV at 4K is only like 30hz right? That would be horrible for gaming on....not to mention HDMI2.0 which is required for 4K displays isn't even out yet...

Dunno if it's been said or not, but he was given back $600 (along with the banana) and the carnival, along with local police are looking into the matter.

Definitely agree with the foreigner end of things.

Considering that Japan has a long history of labeling foreigners and not trusting them? This is not surprising at all...

Local MP on the Wii U is probably one of the top 5 things it has going for it. Paring that with local MLP for games like MH3U between the Wii U and 3DS is genius.

I'm with you on this and I think that we'll see it in our lifetimes most likely. Considering that Samsung already has working flexible phones, I could see them implementing some kind of crazy tech along with them in the very near future. Sure, it could be 2-3 years before that happens but at least it'll be a step.

I'm with Curtis on this one. While the video in the article is showing that there has to be a starting place, yours is showing the elegant end to that...

At least they're not selling it to the highest bidder like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc...they just use it internally to make your personal searches better along with ads. I'd rather see ads for things I might actually buy than shit I could care less about to be honest...

Yep, I'll take the dedicated app over the weirdness that a mobile browser can bring any day.

It's because the main purchasing power lately is those who grew up with Nintendo...the people who are 25-35. They grew up in a world where there was really only Nintendo or Sega for over a decade in some's not hard to see why.

Their service being down for a month, disabling tons of services even not related to PSN for some, isn't a big problem? Imagine that happening with their new service and you can't play any old games or do any of the "new" features the PS4 has.

That was a Nintendo Direct, not at E3. Thankfully they're still doing those, so we'll get plenty of Iwata and odd fruit....

Credit for making it, always fun to do projects like that.

Definitely agree there. This is the reason why I do all my gaming on the largest screen possible at my disposal. Currently everything runs through a 65" plasma, but we're looking to upgrade to a projection system soon. The OR would definitely be nice to have though from an "immersion" standpoint.

But it's not VR...not at all. You still have to use traditional input methods to play the game. Sure there's the crazy 8 way treadmill but you'll still need to use a controller or some other input device. You won't be in the's just a 3D display for your head.

They should've just picked new people in the universe created by the movie. That way they could've tried to get some of the actual actors/characters from the movie to show up for things every now and then or at least mention them.

You have the entire cast of the movie wanting to do a sequel (a near miracle for Harrelson to say such) and this is the best they come up with?

I don't think so...they left off a couple huge heavy hitters like ACEN and Anime North...

How in the world do you leave off Anime Central in Chicago and Anime North in Toronto? I mean....yikes.