
It's the first 4K ready device you'll own...(at least for video output), so there is that I guess...

You make some really good points.

No problem at all there, it happens to all of us online at some point or another. I definitely agree with those points there about MS, I'm really curious what they're going to do and how far their going to lean on Kinect or if they will at all.

yeah, but the PowerPC is way closer to the x86 than the Cell Processor that right there gives them a huge one up.

Then I stand corrected...I was going off the conference where they didn't mention it. Awesome that it is too!

Actually, I haven't decided what I'm going to be buying. Don't assume anything, that's just stupid.

It was rumored already that MS had was Sony that was rumored to be at 4gb. Go check, I'll wait.

You do realize that the US has a larger population than most of the EU combined (at least the bigger gaming countries), right? It has twice the population of Japan nearly at that.

You won't know price until at least E3....and chances are the PS4 is going to run between $430-$600 most likely (depending on versions).

3 months of more speculation, etc and no physical product. Sure, people will be curious but letting the cat out of the bag now just has everyone going "What will Microsoft do to counter?" even more so.

Dual 1080p? in what? It's not in the new PS Eye...that's for sure

You do realize that game is nearly 2 years old right? How many people really want to wait that long?

Yeah, it's one of the few things I can actually say they did right.

Where did Fallon actually play it? I just watched it twice and never saw him once touch the controller while the demo was running in that video...

The guy actually playing most of that looked so bored though...just going through the motions.

Even at $40...what about all that paid DLC? The game still ends up costing people $60 in many cases...

$30-$35 for a blu-ray? o.O

Depends on the title. They range from $40-$60 in the US at least.

Or Capcom could go the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate route and have tons of free DLC planned for it...crazy, right?

Did they say that Killzone was a launch title? I don't recall that.