
The challenge is still there if you want it...but coop is a ton of fun. Though, I can agree that it's not for everyone.

Yeah, that is true. Though, there are a ton of titles still that they did do it there's at least some that could be played.

I don't think anyone is going to argue that the games are going to look better, but this is far from uncommon with these kinds of events. Sorry, but not having the actual system there and running off it live? Yeah, for me that's a flag.

May want to rethink that.

How can you be sure? Just saying...none of us can. So while I'm hopeful they're telling the truth, it wouldn't be the first time stuff wasn't 100% true here...not by a long shot.

Gaming devs do this all the time...they show off really flashy stuff and it doesn't pan out. Need I remind you of the recent issue with Gearbox? Just saying...until they have it running on the actual unit 100%...I'm skeptical. I think the games will look awesome and I hope they do, but I' not buying it with just their

I wouldn't imagine them doing this. Though, it is possible. Mostly due to the fact that they've done it in the past...but at least they won't shaft you the XBLA titles and all that you've downloaded.

You do realize that most dev kits are more powerful than the actual unit, right?

Microsoft has no issues going backwards though. They're just scaling up. Sony put a kink into things with the Cell Processor. So you go from the PS2 to something radically different in the PS3 and now you go to basically off the shelf PC.

You say there's no smoke and mirrors...yet, a lot of what they were talking about is likely to end up just that way.

It won't really be a true experience though...unless Sony is about to spend billions on making Gaikai actually robust enough to handle this...I'm very skeptical about this idea until they come out with more details.

Yeah, apparently they have a partnership with Ustream to do the streaming bits...outside of that? Who knows about the saving may save locally for upload to Facebook though.

How so? They dropped the price in Japan...where the Vita hasn't sold well at all either. Why not drop it here too?

And that's why they spent so much time talking up the whole streaming to Vita and all that last night?

Interesting, didn't know that about high end projectors such as that. Good to know and thanks for the update on that one.

I think we're still out a ways from 4K being mainstream like that. Until TV's come down to $3k or under's not going to happen. I'd say you're a few years at best from seeing more than just a toss out to aficionados to be honest.

Yeah, anyone truly thinking that they were going to do this was kidding themselves. It's at least 5-6 years until 4K TV is widespread enough. Though, it's interesting they've future proofed at least the video end...though that's not really hard to do...

Is it? Oh is. Why do I always mess that one up? Stupid language...

You apparently missed the whole uproar when they removed the capability from the PS3 I see...

Sure, don't see why not...of course for a price.