
You think they're not going to charge for streaming games? Are you serious? You do realize how much that infrastructure costs, right? They're going to have to charge for access to that...there's zero way around that.

It's shared memory. Basically the PS3 is an APU for all intensive purposes. That said, there will be a lot running in the background and other things that will use that resource as well.

Demos of any of their games...on a wired connection. Ever try to do it remotely on a Vita over 3G?

Yeah, anything will work great locally...but given that the Vita is only 3G or Wifi....I don't see how really being "on the go" is going to work out well for that. Sure, if you're in your own house or hooked up to a strong public wifi network...but I just don't seen 3G pulling it off to be honest.

Yeah, if they're expecting Vita to still be hugely viable in 3 years when the PS4 hits that mark? They're smoking something and I want some!

Did Aliens: Colonial Marines teach you nothing? xD

Except all the games shown last night were running on a PC with "specs close to a PS4" (whatever that means). So basically they're saying this is possible right now on a PC...

That's why everything last night was running on a PC with "close" specs to a PS4? Yeah...I'm sure it'll look amazing but not buying into the hype.

Yeah, in the US that drop will be to $199...sure it's a drop...but it's not that big of one.

The price drop in Japan means that the system will still be $199 in the US. Expecting people to drop another $200 ontop of a system that is going to be $400+ is crazy.

Probably has something to do with the 3DS systems using up too much wifi to connect so the Wii U needs the back up is all due to requirements of the network for the game itself.

No, what I'm saying is that the 5ghz chip is used for the game pad. The 2.4ghz chip is capable of 300mbps transfer still...which should be more than enough. However, can be a bit funky with gaming depending on where you live and the conditions.

It's the most stable connection for gaming and most people in Japan use wired access. It's also telling because even though the Wii U has a 5ghz wifi channel, it's used for the game pad to reduce latency to nil.

You're assuming enough people bought the Vita for them to care xD

Except there is no "start" button on this thing...anywhere...

Try picking up your current 6axis or DS3, holding it with both hands and moving it around while playing a's weird as hell...

Try waving the current 6axis around while playing and holding onto it with both's actually kinda awkward...

They never said anything about full body motion tracking...they just said it'd be able to see the DS4 and Move controllers better in 3D space...

I would suggest Nintendo for your future console.

I'm going to bet that the streaming capabilities will be behind a pay wall. With them wanting to do the "fastest and most powerful network"...they're going to have to charge for that.