
Yeah, I actually miss Orlando.

$42/mo here for 10/mbps down 3.75 up (on average).

If you live in Kansas City...they haven't really expanded that network much at all...

As alashua said, a true Libertarian is against the idea as it limits choices. Most of us (the sane ones at least) don't like the idea that corporations and governments engage in practices that limit choices.

I live near Pittsburgh and the choice we have? One. That's it...

Pennsylvania is still screwed up. I honestly know more Giants/Jets fans in NE PA than Steelers fans. There's way more Eagles fans up there than Steelers fans at that....

My HD screen has a 4:3 mode and it works for older games quite nicely....

I even said it was an extreme scenario...

It's still a game that uses a server and can lose playability by servers being shut down.

I'd be worried with the Steambox thing to be honest. Most companies failed miserably when it came to hardware. Even some of the giants...Valve could lose a ton on that. The fact that there are only 3 console companies says something there.

Actually...there were MMOG's back far back as 1991 ('86 if you count Air Warrior)...they did exist.

But you won't have it forever. If Valve went out of business suddenly...and you didn't have the game downloaded, installed and auth''d have zero access to it. That's an extreme case, but companies go out of business all the time...

It's also an issue of trademark...the names of the ponies and likenesses are trademarked property. Dilution of said property is part of that and this would do just that.

Unfortunately, they own the trademarked names being they have to defend.

They own the trademarks on the names of several characters in the game, so they have to defend it.

Unless of course it's advertised by Ubisoft as coming out Feb 26th and heavily pushed and endorsed by the company for over a year.

No one is upset about the multi-platform thing. Though it is a bit weird considering Ubisoft is on record as saying that they wouldn't bring it to other consoles because of lacking all the Wii U stuff (essentially making it a different game almost entirely in terms of game play).

They won't do that most likely because not every PS3 owner has a Vita. The reason for doing these things is that every WiiU owner is 100% certain to have the gamepad.

Oh yeah, people are crazy with this stuff.

In geological time, 33,000 years doesn't seem like much.