
First Ubisoft said this was to be ready Nov 18, 2012 with the system. Then they said it would be ready early 2013, then they set a hard date with Feb 26, 2013. Now they say "September" and the only reason given is because of the PS360 ports.

Yep, no one actually cares and most (if not all) of the fans of Rayman are actually happy that others will get to play the game. It's the less than 20 days to launch and shitty reason for the delay that has them pissed.

Could be, however NG3: Razor's Edge is out on the Wii U and is being ported to it doesn't hold water anymore.

Way to go with the misleading headline.

It surprises me as well. I would expect that Iwata will have some extremely stern words for Ubisoft...especially if they got any perks for being an exclusive title. This could really blow up in their faces... mean like ZombiU? It doesn't have all the same things you're talking about but it's not far from the mark either...

So wait, the game was to come out in a few weeks on the WiiU with features that the 360/PS3 do not have the capability of supporting.

Good news's been announced that your Gaming HTPC running Linux will cost around $300 to run most PC games (the ones that Linux supports that is). The "Best" level of the system will cost...who knows what since that's up to the 3rd party OEM's to decide on parts and what's in it.

This sounds a lot like how Wunderground does some of it's weather data collection. Though, there it's from actual weather stations people set up...but none-the-less, pretty cool.

So that's like 5 movies in 6 years...eesh...

And if Valve takes a turn for the worse? Then what? You may never be able to play the games again if they have to shut down their servers...

The only thing I don't like about it is, when MS makes a new console...this one will be worthless. They'll shut off the servers for it...then you can't play any of the games again...that part sucks hard.

I'm not so sure of that...have to give Nintendo a bit more time. 3 months isn't nearly enough to get the good games rolling for the Wii U. Colonial Marines will be a big test though...

This is Gizmodo. They can barely proofread an article around here most of the time, I'm betting they don't even realize for simple things F12 is used in most browsers...

I was wondering this too...that and the "no modern keyboard uses them" yet...every Windows PC ships with them and several programs use them as well...

Wait, "derived from great Star Wars characters that are not part of the overall saga" doesn't that mean characters which are not in the movies already made? If so, I couldn't be Yoda or anyone else we've seen...or am I not thinking straight right now?

Considering that fursuit costs anywhere from $750 to well over $ is being cheap, but not everyone can afford that.

Not free, but considering that the series started and lived on Nintendo systems for years...yeah, should've tossed it out there to them as well. I can see leaving the 360 out on this one to be honest, but Nintendo? The place you started? That seems weird to leave out...

Judging by the reaction...I'd say the joke failed.

You're living under a rock if you think that kinda thing only pertains to Japan. Just look at US News and you'll see that the US is far worse.