
How do we find things like these? We hunt them down...we see things in the woods, via satelite images and yes there is a word of mouth of system and websites/forums for those who want to know where things are.

They used to bring goods into these places via train. It wouldn't be uncommon for the engine to be in the yard during a resupply .

So $1200+ for a 20"-22" display?

You can actually still ride that "roller coaster" in PA. It's located in Jim Thorpe, PA. Known as the Mauch Chunk Rail Road it is still one of the freakiest things out there...because it is still in it's original state.

Considering that the events of the first Alien happened about 100 years after the date being used in the headline...could be a relative. Brother, or even son of Peter here. Even more so since you don't see Bishop until the sequel which is even later than the Nostromo incident.

I kinda took that as they didn't have sex to replenish their ranks. They used conquest. The lack of babies anywhere kind of keyed me off to that one.

It doesn't "end in 4S" but it requires that you have one.

I thought that only the Lord Marshall was half undead, everyone was just the same as normal people would be. At least that's what I got out of watching it. Figured that's why they all said that "some say he's seen the Underverse" bit.

Yep, living in the Pittsburgh area there are a bunch of other weird ones like "buggy" "jumbo" etc...always amuses me at the weird regional terms we give things.

"hick-ish" that kinda made me laugh. Since places like Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, DC, etc all say "soda" and are anything but "hickish" Seems the word "pop" is a more Mid-western/Great Lakes area thing actualy.

All the hate cracks me up...just take these examples of Indy movie past...

All the hate cracks me up...just take these examples of Indy movie past...

Um, not true at all when talking about humans.

While climate probably played a bit of a role in things, it definitely wasn't the sole cause or the primary one.

Chinese men are proportionately smaller than their counterparts in the west as well...

That made me laugh. Yeah, they do take their own opinion waaaay too seriously.

That's actually a very misleading poll, as most polls tend to be. If "people who don't watch the news" include people who read papers or several papers a [day...then] yeah, they'd know more than almost everyone that "watches the news".

I can see that. Every network news station has their own agenda. Which is why I don't watch any of [them...including] John Stewart...

The thing is I know people who watch FNC and people who watch stuff on MSNBC who also claims to be hard [news...both] have slants, both market the same way. You never see MSNBC getting slammed nearly as much as FOX even though they say some stupid stuff quite often as well.

No, I have to agree. FNC does have more shows of the right leaning variety. Where as every other channel seems to be either left leaning 90% of the time or moderate in nature.