
So does that mean I can hold Maddow or Nancy Grace to the same standards? They live on "news" channels as well and it's pretty obvious they're spouting opinion. That's the point. EVERY news outlet does this. Not just FNC. So you can't call the kettle black without acknowlding that the pot and rest of the cookware is

Not to defend FNC at all, but am I the only one to realize that Lou Dobbs, O'Reilly, Hannity, etc that everyone loves to slam are opinion shows and NOT news shows? Yes, they air on the FOX News Channel, but they're opinion columns with video [cameras...anyone] unable to understand that doesn't understand 24/7 news

It's actually pretty easy for them to claim this. They are very fair and balanced on their actual news programs.

A lot of American jobs, [yes...but] you do realize that there's nowhere in the US that could do this? FoxConnn City has over 750,000 workers. If people didn't live there, it would be nearly impossible as that factory complext would challenge Columbus for the 15th largest city in the entire country.

It doesn't share them automatically. It puts them in a private folder via Picasa.

First off, I own a MacBook Pro 17" from 2008 and a PC, before that I owned several iterations of G4 an original iMac and my first computer was a Apple IIe. I also worked for Apple back in the 90's. If anything, you've come across as the fanboy here.

The point is that I trust Microsoft to keep a legacy way of accessing files much more than I do Apple.

As many have said, they've always offered dvd-only. It's weird that Netflix would say this because anyone who uses/has used or looked into the services knows it...

So wait, you're going to sit here and say that what Apple is doing is the same as what Microsoft is doing?

Your first point assumes the chicken has the intellect to think of or know of a life outside of the "hell" you speak of. Since they lack this capacity the point is moot. The chicken could care less where it's people who care.

Basically we already do that with fruits and veggies...GM crops are huge, but most vegans wouldn't touch them with a 10ft pole because they're not "natural" more than likely...

The linked article actually states:

Interesting...though I think cabs may be a bit too expensive. I mean a trip from my house to Pittsburgh would cost like $75 or so in a cab, one way.

Ah, alright. I see where you're coming from now.

Probably all of them, but last I checked they were in the severe minority...

Indy Pony is best pony! Okay....sorry, had to do it...

I guess Apple has to spend of their cash somehow, might as well be their lawyers, right?

What I'll be listening to? Assuming of course my Facebook account was anything more than a placeholder these days...

"Uninhabitable" that's an interesting thing to say there. Many of those towns are very much self supporting with farms, etc. They don't require much else, if a city like San Fransisco or LA was no more or never existed, the people in that mountain town would be just fine...the reverse cannot be said for LA or San

That's an interesting point, though assuming all the light coming into that place there had to be another way out...wouldn't have been as dramatic, but could've been more interesting.