
I actually like the sound of that or maybe we could add the plus after and do something something like Music+ which has a nice ring to it too...

Ah yes, the dropbox folder. I still have that for some reason it was created a while back when I had custom backgrounds to the regular Google search page. I still understand that one, but I'm sure eventually it'll make sense to me as it's still there waiting for something to make use of it.

Shhhh don't say such things...Apple will sue because there's a lower case letter followed by "tunes"

True, that they are indeed. I wasn't thinking of the past system before the Picasa stuff was 100% on that one. Good catch there.

While the octane may be the same when you cross the conversions...the fact that the US has the 10% ethanol requirement almost everywhere is a killer. It's makes US gas less efficient, not to mention it's hell on your engine. This is why they're selling additives (finally...boaters have been using it for years) for

It's still not shared from what I understand. Though you have a Picasa account by default I think with Google+ anyways...may wanna check up on it.

Oh god...the horror...

True they do but I'm not sure how they're counted unless you create an album. I mean out of the stuff that uploads from my phone...unless I actually go into my "instant upload" folder and make an album they just sit there and can't be viewed by anyone but me.

Those are uploading to Picasa, not Google+. The 3.4billion pictures are actually on Google+, you have to actually share them to make them visible over on Google+, or at least make albums. Otherwise they just go into a private folder in Picasa and don't much of anyone any good. Unless you use Picasa regularly.

Shhhh stop using your'll only confuse them.

Thankfully the "help" for games will never enter your main stream. There's a whole separate place for that kinda thing to live and keeps your main stream uncluttered.

Tell me about it...I'm in a couple and wow, just wow.

White canvas? Hmmm....nope. Sorry the over 500 that have added me to their circles and vice versa says otherwise. Maybe we just know how to be social and have fun with the platform? Naw, that couldn't be either...must be something else. Must be that none of us ever post about 1200 things a day, or hang out almost

It's because if they have G+ accounts they aren't special enough to have active friends...or the people in their circles don't want to share things with them. Either way it's funny...

My thoughts exactly. I'd gladly pay $25 or so for the whole thing. Why can't they understand that? Maybe they think it'll get some people interested or something? *shrugs* No way of really knowing but hopefully they do release a full season here soon...

Amazing that people don't realize how much activity is really going on with Google+. Maybe you don't have the right people in your circles? I mean there's tons of activity in my stream...sometimes it's firing faster than Twitter during some parts of the day.

For $10...I guess it's not that bad. Though why not just release the whole season? I suspect people will just continue to watch it on Youtube, can't see the reason to own a compilation rather than the full season...even if it is only $10

Doing 90 miles a day on your bike is a pretty serious work out, hopefully you have a place to change when you get to might be nice in spring or fall but in the summer/winter it's almost impossible in many areas.

I'm not sure what you're getting at here but where I live there is no public transit and I'm looking at dangerous roads to bike on all around me. It's about 20-30miles to most things that I travel to. I'm not biking 60miles to go pick something up at the store.

Also don't forget the higher tax rates. My brother was getting nailed for 30% in just income taxes when living in NYC 15 years ago...