
So to get this straight, it's a cloud storage system which is like many others. However, since it's tied to your OS and you only get 5gb which is not your "purchased from iTunes" movies, music, or photos...then what's the point? You have to pay to have over 5gb? Google Music allows up to 20k songs without charging and

Have to agree, was kind of hoping that the iOS folks out there were getting something akin to what Google has with Picasa/Google+/Docs/etc...but seems they're not.

Because your mind is a very strange place, but it sounds nice to visit...

That's nice, but I actually like it. What I don't like is the idea of "post process converting". It should be shot in 3D directly. Sure it's a "gimmick" but remember, everyone thought "talkies" and "color TV" were a gimmicks too...couldn't imagine the world without sound and color on your moving pictures, could you?

Good to know that I'm not the only one who saw that...

Unfortunately many of them have side effects like killing the sex drive of the woman completely. My wife went on Mirena for about a year and she completely lost any desire for sex. Interestingly enough many other patients on the same birth control are reporting it now as well.

Oh god RCB and Aimchat...that's bringing back memories. Fuzzy and distorted memories but it is bringing them back...

Yeah, here we get 10, 15, 25 or 50, but we're paying $45 for the 10...I'd hate to know what the 50 costs!

It's actually not asinine at all...I know several people out there who have tons of things that were the "last" product from someone in several things, they do have value to many people. I'm not saying it's a huge number, but it may drive some sales from people.

Originally they did have the same picture from this article...just without the "MISSING" in least that's what the news showed here.

Nope, agree with ya 100% the benefits of cleaning things up does definitely outweigh not doing anything at all. Even if that's all we manage to do is clean up the place and minimize impact's a win. Cause in that case...the planet is gonna do what it does. I've been driving a car that gets 50mpg for the

I think ya missed the part where I said we, humans, were responsible for things.

Well that's the problem with the whole debate really, this was once labeled "Global Warming" not long it's "Climate Change", before that we were headed into an ice age according to many in the 70's. This is the problem with all this and I have to admit that I, myself, get caught up in things for the sake of

Unfortunately I think the untimely passing of Steve Jobs has something to do with this. There are no doubt people buying these with the full intention of having "The last phone fully developed under Steve" in their possessions, everything from here on out can't claim that.

Yep, Philadelphia does have a few's not exactly a huge system but there is the Broad and Patterson (the Orange Line) and there is the "Blue Line" which is part of Philly's "L" line which goes above and below along Market Street.

Never doubt the lengths that us Pennsylvanians will go to for a quick buck...we steal power lines (off active towers), strip copper from subways (still in service), take sewer and storm drain grates (off active lines), bronze plaques from cemeteries and now we take bridges...I'm not surprised at all.

Nope, I think we're pretty safe on that one. There are tons of disused rail crossings and all sorts of things from the mining/steel/coke days of Western PA

Ah, good point there. Wasn't thinking that through all the way...either way I'm sure if you're ordering enough of the material it may be pretty cheap.

Sadly, some of the speeds they're talking are already faster than what most people have in their it's pretty much a guarantee that phones will have faster internet than your home (unless you're paying like $100+/month for 100mbps service or live in S. Korea or Japan and only pay like $30 a month for those