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Well, we probably won’t see the next Elder Scrolls for another decade. So maybe Fallout 5 will be ready to go sometime around 2040. But on the upside, we’ll get at least another dozen or so remasters of Skyrim in the interim.  

If you need to find her boobs on the internet, just surf reddit.  You won’t have to look long.

Well then take a gander at her left winger if the right one bothers you so much. I mean it's a little strange because usually they're a pair but whatever floats your boat.

To be fair her boobs are glorious. But yea boobs are not hard to find these days. Back in my day we had to work for our porn. A spring break movie on Cinemax, or a magazine hidden in the basement if you were lucky.

Games are genuinely cheap as modern entertainment goes. It’s all the other shit sucking up disposable income that’s making them feel expensive.”

Ha ha, NO, it’s the fact that incomes haven’t kept up with inflation that’s making them feel expensive. Games are not cheap compared to how much people make. A lot of people

I’d argue I always find amusing this conversation keep coming up regarding the companies most likely to blame for having pushed the cost of game development so much to levels I kind of feel are unsustainable using hardware they couldn’t even sell at a profit on release instead of consoles they could sell without,

I feel like with this and Larian Studios receiving toxicity, it’s almost as if this doesn’t really happen because of “bad games,” but because gamers are entitled Karens who don’t recognize the human cost of the games they played.

As far as I’m concerned, all developer interactions with gamers should just be a double mid

The entitlement of consumers, in all fields, is galling.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t speak up when wronged, but have a little respect for the other person in the conversation. Be as professional as you expect them to be dammit.

Pretty bold suggesting that someone doesn’t play the game, then say there are 10 difficulties when there are in fact 9.

Yes, the devs are fixing the tuning, and perhaps the higher difficulties are supposed to be difficult; perhaps players had gotten too bold in thinking they could simply walk into the higher

We have a sexual perpetrator running for president. Cards are off the table now.

Jake Paul is a clown, but I’ve read that he’s actually a halfway decent fighter. And Mike Tyson is nearing 60 years old — there’s a reason you don’t see athletes that old competing in anything except golf. And boxing is a particularly intensive sport that is very unkind to the aging.

Even the unhealthiest guy in his 20s is still in better shape physically than a guy pushing 60.

I don’t care who wins this fight, but I would like to point out that you appear to be overconfident in your prediction. You mentioned that Tyson last fought in 2005. He lost that fight, against an unremarkable fighter, when he quit after six rounds. I very much doubt that he’s better than he was nineteen years ago.

One: Don’t preorder games.

I’m not sure what goes into the business decisions of an acquisition like that. I mean, Nintendo acquired Monolith because...pfff? Just to make Breath of the Wild? A whole acquisition? The result was good for Monolith, but I’m not sure if it’s something Nintendo really needed to do.

I love FF, and i’m really happy that SE got the resource to make the trilogy the way they wanted to. Truly, i love these games, and couldn’t be happier with them.

Who’s going to tell the conservatives that Asian devs making Asian characters is pro-diversity?

>a Kotaku journalist

There is something wild about claiming a character that looks straight out of a hentai is “tradition.”

I’m still annoyed about how ‘woke’ has been taken out of context for agendas in the first place.