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LOL LISTEN. My mouse is at that point haha, and I don’t feel like getting a new one. 

The way to get these tricks working seems so elaborate that they probably shouldn’t patch these? Also leave it in just for the speedrunning community.

The way to get these tricks working seems so elaborate that they probably shouldn’t patch these? Also leave it in just for the speedrunning community.

I understand his sentiment, but he sounds so flippant explaining it. In the back of my mind it’s kind of stuff like this that makes me OK with the whole Microsoft/Activision thing, even though I hate that just on principle. Sony needs some real competition.

I think the porting later is good. 1-2 years would be better than 2-3 but it should depend on how long it needs.

It’s so interesting how all these studios and publishers like to claim “external factors” are what cause this, but rarely if ever actually detail said factors. If you’re laying off half of your employees, surely you’ve got enough time to explain what directly caused it, instead of waving your hands at some vague crap?

Lol that’s the funny part about this article. The entire point of the article is the audience HAS been vocal about 70$ games, then at the end goes “oh yeah, have you checked the COMMENTS SECTION??”.

If they have to dig down the hard to justify a naming convention, it’s probably better to do something else? That’s only going to cause confusion, and Roman numerals and Arabic numerals have been used interchangeably for a while now.

Me watching you all dunk on this guy:

I found Charlie Kirk, Candace Owens, failed congressional candidate and ardent Trump supporter Christina Hagan, and Dinesh D’Souza.

Straight from the wiki entry:

Well, this counts as that IMO considering the entire reason for doing this is to maximize the money made when it releases. It’s completely scattershot & stupid as you say, but I can see the monetary motivation behind it all.

Not surprising considering it was that way in Fallout 4, just with way less sexy talk. You took a rest on a bed and [companion] would get up with some casual remark, and you got an XP buff. Really crazy that they called that a “romance” in Fallout, and I’m guessing it’ll be more of the same here.

Sounds like Nintendo being capitalist assholes and not really caring about the collateral damage, imo.

Sounds like Nintendo being capitalist assholes and not really caring about the collateral damage, imo.

Since we’re getting lazy here, the poverty the article talks about is “fuel” poverty in context of last year’s winter autumn, which is probably related, by some amount, to Russia’s war in Ukraine. While that’s definitely a form of poverty, the way this article uses it in the general sense is a bit shifty, at minimum.

Huh? Dragon Age Origins itself was wasn’t anything new, storywise. I’d even go so far as to say the writing in Dragon Age has been pretty good overall.

Huh? Dragon Age Origins itself was wasn’t anything new, storywise. I’d even go so far as to say the writing in Dragon Age has been pretty good overall.

That is true. Gotta make these articles spicy so Jim Spanfeller’s personal allowance for GrubHub’d Cracker Barrel Grits stays in the green.

Yep. It’s also enabling these writers bloggers to be lazy. No point in contacting the writer who wrote the sign I guess. That’s for actual journalists! Nevermind the fact that “punch up” reads more like self-deprecating humor than hostility at Ortega.