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Yeah this site is impossible on mobile. Don’t bother with this site unless you have Brave, which has a built in ad/media blocker. Hell even on desktop the constantly playing videos is just forcing everyone to use an ad blocker.

Good lord that is preachy. And extremely hard to follow.

Uh, sure.

People are going to be really pissed when they adjust those non-gifted sub revenue splits. The splits are nice and all, but how is Kick going to pay the bills? How are they going to get ad revenue when suspect content is being shown?

That...might be accurate.

Ah so it’s only okay for Epic themselves to steal from other games? Got it.

Sure, but the Overwatch community seems to really obsess over it? Kind of paparazzi-like? I can’t recall another game franchise where it occurs to this length. At this point I’m surprised Overwatch doesn’t have a TV show, because it totally gives me “Marvel Soap Opera” vibes.

The whole obsession the community (and the devs apparently) has over the sexual identities of these characters is so...strange I guess? If I didn’t know any better I’d assume Overwatch was some crazy popular HBO show.


Pranking random strangers is his passion?...

Does this game not have an online store or anything? Why the nickel-and-diming? Or did that delay really hit their finances pretty hard?

Uh oh. Should we start the “Angela White’s Suddenly a Massive Bigot” countdown clock?

LOL, you’re some kind of caricature. Do you write fanfic? Because you totally just made stuff up that didn’t actually happen? So much for Geez, calm yourself”...

I had never heard of this TERF garbage human until now

It’s less weaponization and more Nationalism. That’s been a thing in Congress since forever.

Ah yes, the guy who’s cursing, making outlandish demands and calling people names, on the internet, is telling other people to calm down. You’ve hit the Internet Troll Bingo. 10/10 sir.

LOL. Bobby “Kooties”? Sexbox? Are you for real?

3k negative reviews isn’t much, especially considering it’s been on the top seller list for a time.

PC gaming seems to be asking you to brute force games with overwhelming GPU power and overkill amounts of VRAM with little to no optimization.

a game that combines The Sims and Deception/Trapt