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He’s definitely lying, but that “lunch meeting” bit is throwing me. Like what’s the significance of that? How does that make anything better? Especially if temps can’t event attend it? It’s like someone thought up a nasty catch-22 for permatemps so things stay the way they are, and that’s kinda gross if it’s true.

Well they’re just the publisher, so they’d probably just end the agreement if they weren’t satisfied.

That’s a weird take. I’m surprised you think your average CoD buyer is even thinking about it like that. I’m pretty sure it’s not that serious for most the their audience.

That’s not really “shit”. It’s not as high as their other studios, but calling it “shit” is missing the point. They’re selling because it wasn’t enough, not because it was 3-4%. Microsoft themselves have had similar profit margins for like two decades, and they’re doing pretty good.

LOL I couldn’t believed they actually typed that out. Like holy crap, imagine clicking send on that? It just shows how far Jez has fallen. Deadspin, too.

This is a thing already, though maybe not for pre-roll ads, for some reason. I even heard audio-only ads recently, which was really surprising.

This is a thing already, though maybe not for pre-roll ads, for some reason. I even heard audio-only ads recently, which was really surprising.

Now playing

Lol, I feel like I’m the only one who understand how hilarious this stuff is, routinely. Like this video too:

He was like that before the pandemic. He had a whole thing with his entire family that’s still not resolved, and they pretty much said the guy has a massive ego.

If all of this has taught me anything, it’s that I understand why certain Russians long for the old Soviet days. Everything these current goofballs do seems to be in the most lazy manner possible. Like there are no checks & balances in the government structure, so shit like this happens:

I don’t have and iOS device, but there are so many janky & busted (or possibly old and compromised) games on the Play Store that at a glance, it makes sense. With that said, the way Apple is making that determination seems like the most lazy way to go about it for a company supposedly worth a trillion dollars.

Surely the cops saw this ages ago? Yet nothing came of it? Like what are they doing?

Yeah, I’m not going to engage anymore as it’s clear you’re not really comprehending what I’m saying. Have a nice day.

I mean, you’re having a strawman with yourself because I didn’t actually say you weren’t allowed to do anything.

...This is literally the only comment I’ve made about this entire thing, what are you even talking about. And, again, why are you this involved in something so inconsequential? No, this isn’t reality; it’s two rich assholes going at each other.

...Why is his a trial a competition to you weirdos? Imagine defending either of them. Like, why do that? It just reflects on how awful you seem as a person.

Maybe should have asked why she doesn’t draw on a graphics tablet. The nature of drawing on one probably makes it pretty well suited for a quick-sketch environment like a courtroom.

These are the same people who, after the success of Sleeping Dogs, never greenlit a sequel. They also let go of IO Interactive, while green-lighting The Quiet Man. Like, Square Enix might be right there with EA in terms of nonsensical decisions, we just ignore them because they’re on the other side of the map.

If you see a free pair of panties lying around the Lands Between, don’t touch them! You don’t know where they’ve been.

That’s not what a pedo is...