Kit Jackson 1967

If we were still in the 1960s, sure. Think of Pussy Galore before Bond turned her.

He’s just expressive and theatrical. ;)

Because if you’re going to make the Foundation for Family Friendly people crazy, you might as well make them super crazy.

“Virtually every fictional character in history who doesn’t get a romantic arc is assumed by the general audience to be straight unless we’re explicitly told otherwise.”

I wouldn’t mind if they made her asexual. Why does it always have to be romantic relationships? Why can’t she just be happy with friends and family? Why does she need a love interest at all? That being said, I think it would be great for LGBT kids to have a major Disney character as a role model/representation/point

I thought I didn’t have words to express how I felt, and then decided to try.

Tristan was a first draft of Logan. ASP realized Tristan wouldn’t work, but shelved the idea and figured it out with Logan.

I still have DVD Netflix. Very little of what I want to watch is on streaming, so I’ve kept my DVD subscription.

That was my first John Waters film. I was about 12 or 13 when I first saw it and loved it. It’s a much better movie than “Grease.” I love “Cry Baby.”

I love the line “John Hughes” did not direct my life. It speaks to the way Hughes and other directors of 1980s teen movies shaped not just one generation but multiple generations view of what the fantasy version of a high school romance could be/should be.

I was just going to post almost this exact thing. Lohan didn’t have an accident or get sick. She became a tabloid trainwreck with her own actions.

But then if Logan is her Christopher, than does that make Jess her Luke?

So if Logan is her Christopher, does that mean Jess is her Luke?

I meant to type season 7 or season 8 and Kinja isn’t letting me fix the typo.

When do you think she planned what the final four words were going to be? Do you think she always planned that the baby would be Logan’s? If the baby wasn’t going to Logan’s, whose baby do you think it was going to be? Do you think she would have introduced a new love interest for Rory in season 7 or season 8?

I would totally go to see that. You’d have statler and Waldorf heckling the movie in a post credit scene.

That’s my absolute favorite Muppet movie.

Yes! Muppets work best when they are interacting each other or the guest star. Muppets talking to the camera is a waste of time. I saw the sizzle reel and thought, “they somehow managed to make the Muppets stale and lifeless.” If they wanted to set it behind the scenes of a TV show, go for it. “Dick Van Dyke Show”

I had always hopped if the band didn’t work out, she’d end up at the music store in Stars Hollow.

The generation that grew up with school shootings is starting to have children of thier own. The people who were in middle school or high school when Columbine happened are in thier late 20s or early 30s.