
Yesterday in Starbucks, I saw a woman sitting just like this, but with her left foot up on the table. Her "privvy area" was facing the shop entrance. (She was wearing jeans, in case anyone is wondering) It was ... disconcerting. But kudos to her for giving zero fucks, I guess...?

In today's Tweet Beat, Matt Lauer might look a little different on Monday, Katie Couric has a special day and

What an ass-hat of an attorney.

so nice !

Exactly. Also, being an asshole. Cats love being assholes.

Big Ang or bust!!!

Wake me up when Big Ang writes a sexy book.

I believe its Betacam SP not Betamax SP

This is a theme that's been revisited and rehashed and commented upon until it's been flattened into a pulp of a concept; upon that pulp, someone rested an iPad and posted a plaintive and soul-searching Facebook status.

I grew up in NJ. I chose to go to San Francisco for college in 1985 b/c it was the gayest place on the planet and I was sick of feeling like an alien. When I come home (yes Jersey is still "home" 28 yrs later) to visit family every summer it always strikes me how much more visible same sex couples are. Were it like

It does matter.

Yes, it obviously matters. Straight people know that they can read a history book and know that there were tons and tons of people like them, forever; LGBT people have to really work to see themselves in history, while having to fend off claims that their "lifestyle choice" is just a modern invention with no