
I saw a doc and it said the editors were in a huge rush to look at the photos, so to please them the lab tech turned the heater up on the film drying cabinet and consequently the film and/or the emulsion had bubbled up and melted.

This lesbian has a question. when lesbians watch lady hotness, what gaze is it? is it related to the male gaze, but in a female form? Ive been hearing a lot of comments using this term ( Blue is the Warmest Color) so I wanted to ask. As for this vid, I could watch Rihanna reading a book and Id get turnd on. So as

I think Madonna looked dope in both outfits actually. Went one step too far with those hats and the grill tho. As a person on her age group, I applaud her not giving in to Mom jeans, keeping it tight and looking fierce. Someone needs to tell her to cool it on the facial fillers and botox. Her face is looking overly

I too am a dyke and I approve this message. -0 fucks to give. straight girls: don't worry about it! If some dude criticizes your hoo ha just pack up your lady bits and leave him to his blue balls.

that's very sad to read that there is yet another reason for girls and women to lack confidence in their bodies. adult labia generally do not resemble that of pre pubescent girls, but between the labiaplasty and bikini waxing it seems that is the beauty standard. and thats sick.

not sure what that has to do with this article or my comment. I dont think a genocide competition is productive in any way.

God Bless those doing this noble, important and rightous work. The Survivors and Eyewitnesses are passing away, their legacy and stories must be preserved. As for those referencing other genocides, I hope there are similar efforts to preserve their memories as well.

the upside to a B- cup? not too much there to succumb to gravity - my 48 y/o neck is a different story. Nora Ephron was right, Middle age necks are hateful. But we digress, back to boobs...

I grew up in NJ. I chose to go to San Francisco for college in 1985 b/c it was the gayest place on the planet and I was sick of feeling like an alien. When I come home (yes Jersey is still "home" 28 yrs later) to visit family every summer it always strikes me how much more visible same sex couples are. Were it like

I grew up in NJ. I chose to go to San Francisco for college in 1985 b/c it was the gayest place on the planet and I was sick of feeling like an alien. When I come home (yes Jersey is still "home" 28 yrs later) to visit family every summer it always strikes me how much more visible same sex couples are. Were it like

raised my eyebrows when I read "Jew-bump" ... ummm, Im thinking that's gonna piss people off. Cue Sharon's reading of emails and subsequent equivocation on the next show. Groundhog gaffe?

from one Jersey Girl to another : Well put! THANKS!