*starts a slow clap* ..?
*starts a slow clap* ..?
if you're planning to get it for the PS3 or Vita, you could always go to the Playstation Store and pick up MGS1, so that when you do get it, you'll have 1-3 plus peace walker all in one place :)
lol i wonder if you count how many "im not gonna get burned again, im gonna wait until ULTIMATE SUPER HYPER EDITION" comments the total number will be. im sure this article alone will get a good bunch.
nah he loves them, maybe he's just extremely sarcastic ;)
one of my favorite games of all time but creeped me out too.
i'll let this go because of your self deprecation but next time, your head comes clean off.
I just got an iPad 2 and it's fantastic, lovin everything about it except one thing. DAT RETINA. I need it. I want it. don't get me wrong, the current screen is nice but it's so pixely compared to my iPhone.
and just like that Guiness's credibility in video games disappears in one instant. hey! that's gotta be a record!
this article mad me squee. thanks fahey :)
how original!
I try to but people at local tourneys look at me funny, so I just default back to "Zan-Geef" lol
you do know that the original NES Ninja Gaidens pretty much invented the cutscene right?
you know what my problem is? my football games get outdated so fast, it's like it's obsolete every year, why hasn't anyone made it so there's a new one every year like its a brand new game?
wow what DS games are you playin that look like THAT? people keep saying its just DS with 3D but the hardware is much more capable than that. i think this phenomena wouldn't have occurred had Nintendo just named the system something completely away from he DS name. They'd be wise to do the same with the Wii-U(which…
I don't know if you can really say that it DIDN'T succeed or fell flat on its face. the movies have made bazillions of dollars together. but it's true that a lot of us G1 fans just feel like Michael bay didn't "get it" my god even with Cullen there to voice Prime(who's very protective of the character) bay almost…
Why are there two eject buttons on #1? :|
Aww :( just when Cory Ledesma's team was getting the WWE games back on track to greatness too :/ I hope the WWE games get a good new home and maybe Cory with it.
i've worked at an independently owned used game store the past ten years. the newest titles start off at 40 to 45 bucks to which we generally give 30 to 35 bucks for. despite not making that much from each buy-in people come to us often and it gives us access to alot of the newest titles the same week and sometimes…
amen to that, with the power in the system i dont see why it cant run as great as the webkit based browser in steam's IN GAME ui.