
i DONT understand Square-Enix, that fucking Final Fantasy VII remake would be like PRINTING MONEY yet they develop and GAMBLE all these stupid other ideas and other side stories for not as popular games when just THAT particular remake would be a guaranteed seller. and i'm not just saying that as a fan(a casual one

Now playing

the composer of the song just put up a link on Youtube for it.

@zack10house: see i hear that alot about the movie but MOST of the movie is accurate. and the pacing actually reminded me of the game. the game wasnt a fast paced action fiasco anyway.

why isnt anyone begging for a mini-hdmi port to be added to this wonderful machine!? :|

@bsin21: it wasnt the lack of UMD itself that was ever the issue, it was the lack of removable storage media. not everyone wants to ONLY download games for a console, at least not yet. the NGP will have a new removable storage medium it just wont be UMD.

@p4w4rr10r: the stylus was much more precise than the sticks but you also lose the ability to use other buttons since your right(or left) is completely occupied by the stylus. tap shooting/tap zooming is as much a curse as no right analog stick imo.

maybe it was activision's presence at the event? they didnt want some sort of blood war to spill out on the stage?

@Anthony Wickizer: yeah, you have good points there. but im of the belief that theres room for both sides of the spectrum in terms of hardcore and casual. the NGP seems to be taking steps towards Nintendo's demographic with the touch screens and such. and vice versa as well with the 3DS having analog control and

@BreadKnight: i can totally understand that. it enthralled me personally, added to tension but I can clearly tell its not everyone's cup of tea. maybe you should give it another shot one day and see if its any different for you now.

@Anthony Wickizer: the reason why the DS beat out the PSP isnt because of the opinion you stated.

@BreadKnight: yeah you would be. DS2 follows the events of DS1 pretty closely. and it kind of plays similarly. what didnt you like about the first one?

@brass2themax: why would you HAVE to be a total retard to want that? the screen is wonderful and the graphics are excellent, the controls are intuitive AND it captures the true essence of dead space. why dont you stop hating it because you obviously have a bias against the iPad and try the damn thing out yourself

@MarylandMick: the failure is your reading comprehension; he said Squall AND Cloud's appearance in Advent Children.

@MasterYong: its just the weekly off topic science post :)

very hanna barbera, i like it :)

so great, it brings back great memories hearing OHHHHHHHHHHHH! repeatedly from Colossus

i love the tribute to Joust in WOW: Cataclysm. the whole section is played just like Joust but in 3D

i want to see those teeth in 3D