
@DragonSphere: its busy on certain nights of the week, i really wish people would give the multiplayer a chance, it IS really fun. forget about how bad you think the first movie game was this one is actually quite fun, especially the multiplayer.

aww man i wanted A-Punk and Deadbolt in RockBand fuck Guitar Hero.

Hey activision is that the reason why Hot Topic, Gamestop, and online retailers sell such great amounts of Transformers G1 paraphernalia? this is why guys in their 20s and 30s(a good majority of which are gamers) remember the franchise at all.

is this the Wii version?


why dont you guys fucking play it before you judge it? i've been playing it since this morning, its a great portable game. its addicting AND has replayability to get drebin points and better scores. wtf were you expecting? cutscenes and MGS with a touch screen? apparently none of you get phone calls EVER because

anybody else having a problem where the game brings you to the options screen in the middle of playing for some reason forcing you to quit the level and go back to the main menu?

wait i thought Acclaim was dissolved long time ago? :|

haha wheres that screen cap of zoey and francis from?

so uh, just a little homoerotic isnt it?

personally i thought the game was fantastic. im not completely done yet but i've played through Cloud, Squall, Cecil, and Tidus's storylines and the cinematics are awesome. Each item that you get at the end of their stories is a relic that represents the particular game the character is from.

@MarGera332: bothered bothered bothered bothered bothered bothered!