
i dunno about you but i thought Megaman 8 PLAYED spectacularly but i thought it looked too cartoony for my taste(which probably lead to the creation of the more hard edge spinoff Megaman X). the return to NES style graphics seems like a genius move to me because thats how everyone remembers old megaman being like.

wow and here cliffyb was praising MGS in the making of MGS4 bluray that came with the MGS4 Limited Edition. What a dick.

i miss the days when adults were worried about rap and dungeons and dragons and left my fucking video games alone.

overall the final looks better but the lighting in the graveyard scene looks so muuch better in the 2006 version :/

umm she's saying everything correctly, better than most americans.

This is a promo created by The Patriots! They're using it to control the digital flow of information and us.

i hate this fucking guy's guts for not showing respect to his fellow developers BUT i think you guys are on crack to say the DMC series is superior to Ninja Gaiden.

@McKack: well this series wasnt meant to be played by you then. this is how its been for THREE entries. You'd think you'd come to expect it by now.

wow these look PS2-tastic, but im guessing all the dumbed down visuals are because theres going to be an insane amount of shit on the screen at a time with the super attacks and tag team action.

wait did itagaki do the NES ninja gaidens too?

you know this actually makes me NOT want to get Ninja Gaiden II, just so he gets fired from Tecmo, fuckin perverted arrogant piece of shit.

that "subordinate" should fucking port it to ps3 and make it better, just to spite the ass.

oh and kojima's team was also depressed for a couple days after AC's release because they felt disappointed.

not only do jade and her team have a huge respect for kojima, kojima was also stated as being humbled by their team when they saw assassin's creed's animation system. kojima's team was actually working on something more dynamic such as AC's but found it too difficult and gave up on it.

@bigman88zz: i do understand that but its more of a social norm and perception accepted the world over. its sort of the general set of rules that are established by historical attitudes and behaviors. and in this case Kojima plays a moderate version of the Japanese norm while CliffyB plays the EXTREME version of

@BigChiefSmokem: QFT, hit the nail right on the fucking head, its not like he was totally to blame really. I swear people realize what the man is saying in his own way and then purposely take the literal to find a reason to create drama.

@aevanko: so are you denying that its true? im an american and its clear as day thats what most of us do. its apparent on things like Xbox Live or online communities, we like to hype the hell out of ourselves to show everyone in the world we're the best.

wow guys cut the man some slack, he's right about the fact Westerners are quick to call their projects the greatest thing since the wheel, and asian cultures are more inclined to deny that their stuff is good enough. its been like that for a long long time and for sensationalism to come from a statement that culls