every time i see Mandy Patinkin’s name all I can think about is how when Homeland first came out a bunch of folks thought that that was the actress who played Brody’s wife and were googling “Mandy Patinkin topless”.
every time i see Mandy Patinkin’s name all I can think about is how when Homeland first came out a bunch of folks thought that that was the actress who played Brody’s wife and were googling “Mandy Patinkin topless”.
Many very smart people are saying this dinner was a meeting with representatives from NAMBLA.
Many people are saying this is true.
Now that this story is public, he’ll never ketchup in the polls.
The man failed miserably selling gambling, football, and steak.
You should try it. The first season is very good and season 2-5 are just great television. Some of my favorite episodes are in season 1 and 2 and I will watch them specifically. I think Kill Me Now, the 3 episode of the series, really gives you some great insight into the show. It moves really quick but it’s not hard…
who the fuck, other than straight white dudes, wants to go back to 1860's wild west
I grew up in rural Minnesota. Every single 14 year old dude I knew had a gun. Plenty of them were busy with harmless activities while also owning guns. hell, most of them considered the fact that they were teenagers who owned guns as evidence that they were good moral Christian Americans. The primary difference here…
Personally, I’m hoping some 400 lb. person on a bed somewhere manages to take hold of the Team’s email and sends all the people random bullshit to tweet.
Big League Truth Team is a stupid name. Bigly Truth or bust
When I was still drinking I used to love to take a bubble bath with some wine and watch The Supersizers Go on my laptop.
Many parents on Jez use Internet Explorer. I bet they’d be surprised to realize that makes them shitty parents.
If you have a few minutes, this video has a theory as to why Trump speaks/write like the way he does. It’s very interesting.
I really want to hang out with the two of you now.