Winston: That’s like the president and the vice president not being best friends.
Nick: They’re not best friends.
Winston: Come on, everybody knows they’re best friends.
Winston: That’s like the president and the vice president not being best friends.
Nick: They’re not best friends.
Winston: Come on, everybody knows they’re best friends.
This explains the weird urge I have to pick Martin Freeman up and put him in my pocket.
That cut-out is obviously Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds.
I’m pretty sure it’s Ben Affleck and Matt Damon with a sea gull on his head.
I’m going to be sad if Emily isn’t furious about Richard breaking his promise to let her go first.
She politely eats two poptarts, then discretely hides her remaining seven in her napkin.
I know what happens in Roseanne’s last season but have never watched it because I refuse to acknowledge its existence. Solidarity!
Just a little pinprick...
Replace sharpie with “with a crayon he keeps smashing" and I think you might be right.
Is there a German word for a parody of a parody?
Yooge treason.
Let me tell you something...his treason is stupendous! Everyone says it. Not just him.
He has the best treason. Very treasonous.
oh, madeleine is just trolling.
The Felicia Day nerd gamer tech side of me is trying not be annoyed about the tone of this article. In my head I keep hearing, I don’t know I’m a girl why would I? I’d really like a different take from someone at Jezebel.