
I’m such a wimp. I can’t bring myself to watch it. The previews have me in tears.

When they cut to the credits, my boyfriend goes, “Are you fucking kidding me? I’ve been waiting all season to see Black Jack Randall die.” (he can be a little vindictive.) (but he also wiped my tears from my cheeks)

Kinja won’t let me save the edit, of course. And phone? I never ever EVER mean “ducking”.

I was like this the entire time reading the book. I just could not get over the decades these characters lost without each other. Whoever the casting team was for this show they deserve medals. They picked two actors who give off such intense chemistry that you totally grieve for their lost time instead of thinking of

The walking toward the stones just killed me.

Oh I loved it! I just... couldn’t fucking DEAL with Brianna.

I hate this show because it makes me feel my feelings and at one point I ugly sobbed/screamed “SHUT UP BREE, YOU DON’T KNOW SHIT!”

This review makes me think you didn’t like the finale which makes me sad because I thought it was awesome. Brianna, as per usual, continues to be the WORST - which really sucks cuz as Jamie & Claire’s kid she should be pretty awesome, but everything else was great.

I cried for 90min straight, like heaving large tears. I also drank a whole bottle of wine which probably didn't help. I just couldn't get over her DRIVING GLASSES.

Branch out, you say?

He is indeed. So is Obama. (So am I ;))

Yeah, and actually, compared to this picture, she doesn’t look that different now. She looks very different from the first BJD because of the weight loss.

Forget GoT everyone! This is the real news! Trump will make it so we can all live in gilded homes with an infinite amount of gold sharpies and Trump steaks!!!! Huzzah!

*whispers* and don’t call me Shirley!

You have to realize just how radical it was that this nobody, who looked not so much like the sort of actress who would star in a Tom Cruise movie as the personal assistant to the sort of actress who would star in a Tom Cruise movie, was suddenly…starring in a Tom Cruise movie.

The best part of that interview is when she said “Bless his heart” about his phoenix tattoo.

Oh yes because she found the letter from Gran... The carbon copy! “Who writes a letter like this then keeps the carbon?!”

It’s from the episode where Emily refuses to plan Gran’s funeral. The two glasses of wine at lunch one is different I think, but that one was great as well. It’s where Emily climbs out the window of the basement and the neighborhood watch catches her without a skirt on.

Jessica’s one of those people whose very presence reminds me that I have done jackshit with my life. I’m going to go crawl under the blankets and eat doritos and cry.

Good for her - she’s hilarious and definitely too good for the current iteration of TDS.