
This week on Vice, our own Megan Fox travels to Baghdad to ask people there suffering from horrible war wounds whether they think it’s possible that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon may have been an ancient intergalactic marketplace. Then finds out what the future of the local grimecore scene can tell us...about ISIS.

*high ranking official to other high ranking official*: "Hey wanna fuck with some gullible Americans today?"

Vincent Adultman isn't like the other men I have dated.

Very tiny.

Snuffy from Sesame Street?

Is it me or are his eyelashes simultaneously good-looking and odd-looking?? unusually attractive Muppet.

No. All I choose to see is this, forever. Freddie Mercury left to go form a new awesome planet that could hold their genius and took Prince and Bowie this year to get the party started.

She finally scared off her man for good when he came after her again.

I’m sitting here saying “Don... Dawn... Don... Dawn...” over and over again. Apparently I have the type of accent where I can’t tell the difference?

Outlander: Bonkbuster in Scotland.


As a certified comtesse*, I assure you: you can never have too much debaucherous sex in depictions of 17th century French nobility. We nobles are filthy, filthy animals.

Meh. Just distribute it on Starz! and bill it as their newest period porn.*

I stopped watching Outlander right after GoT because it made me have some really weird dreams (yes, including some Jon Snow/Jaime porn and some Claire v Cersei catfights). I keep Outlanders for another evening now.

When I saw Edmure on the last episode of GoT, I was expecting Jaimie and Claire to pop up in the background. And I started watching The Night Manager last night where our Tobias is again playing a dubious role (I just finished epiosde 3, no spoilers please!). And Sometimes I dream of Brutus...

And doing his best Walder Frey impression.

No way! How did I not realize that? Edmure and the Blackfish working overtime.

Who knew Blackfish went all the way to Scotland to take a piss?

This show hurts my noggin sometimes with all the, “we’re for the Jacobites, we’re against the Jacobites, now we’re for them again!” When that asshole grandfather signed the letter I had to ask, “so is this what they wanted or not?”

but then youll have to ship a Jaimie Brienne Tormund love triangle.