
Some of those cabinet secretaries and high staff have figured out his weakness, he's afraid to fire anyone. (I know, risky to say on a Friday.) Even Spicer is still in his office till August 15. It has a fireplace and is a subject of envy by his neighbor Scaramucci who is in smaller digs.

The Wikipedia summary of the stock "Scaramouche" character in Italian theater is so accurate for him that it reminds me of Michiko Kakutani's review of a Hitler book doubling as a description of Trump. Paraphrased:

Elvis Mitchell always sounded off in print in the NYT, but his KCRW long-form interviews are excellent. You can get them via podcast, called The Treatment.

Got dissed by Franco.

I scooted around on a Teavana location map and most were in a "Blahblah Town Center." Are all malls worthy of a Teavana now called town centers?

When McCain is buried in Arlington, Trump can look across the White House lawn, around the Washington monument, to the great cemetery there on the bluff and softly say, John, John, we hardly knew ye. Then later that day call his wife Cindy with a string of vulgar propositions.

As usual with health care, there's not a majority to do anything. "Everyone's second choice is to do nothing." It would be approx. the same without any of the partisanship. Unless some powerful group takes a giant hit, like Pharma, it's hard to fix.

and a woman.

The old "repairs" were always intended to be temporary, is how I remember the documentary I saw, probably the same one.

Help from whom? Maybe you are thinking about the submarine.

It's the only mag I can't read the letters to the editor in. Just utterly pompous and mediocre. And I love letters to the editor, going back to comic book days. Once the Unabomber wrote an erudite one from prison to the NYRB that I didn't even notice till a friend pointed out the name and that is was from Florence,

Spicey out. He doesn't want to work for the new TV blowhard Trump hired. Apparently, Scaramucci is the blowhard to beat all blowhards, and rich, and probably good looking too. Since Trump is now casting his attorneys by watching TV, it makes sense he would hire this guy.

It's the day of rest. And making children.

They're better without the music, in an almost crowded theater.

Touch of Evil (1958) and Will Penney (1967) if she had no humor then.

The most notable aspect is that his legal strategy is leaking. So he must be blabbing about it to Bannon, Kushner, Preibus, whomever. Or his legal team (former or current), is seriously messed up enough to be leaking. I can't see it as a leak beneficial to Trump.

Two idiots visit the Cloisters museum in New York. One of them is Aubrey Plaza.… I know a written piece can make it sound that way, but come on.

Dictionary wormhole:
"Peals of laughter,"
To French: "éclats de rire."
To English: "bursts of laughter."
Peals better!
And good pictures here……

And "peals of laughter." I had no idea is was essentially slang for "appeal," as in the call to church. Would not have guessed that origin.

Or used the Melania swat.