
Avocado (AV Club After Dark ) is just a Disqus channel so all you need is a Disqus account AFAIK.

People from that era think about family-scale dairy farms surrounding big cities for hundreds of miles, before efficient refrigeration. Some regions still have milk oddities, like "extra-rich" high fat milk in California (do they still have that?), or expensive milk "from Guernseys" in some areas of the deep south

He's the same genius who made sure Smash was centered around Katharine McPhee.

Maybe the owner went right out and tried to sell it! I did some Googling and it came up on th PBS site ("Silk Militia Flag, ca. 1820"), but no discussion anywhere. I was interested to see some people trashing Antiques Roadshow (at least some of the appraisers), and the Smithsonian magazine and TV channel as well. One

Trump personally reviewing the Fox article before it aired is the hardest part to prove, but it matches up with some other recent stories:

It's slightly weirder that 8 people here upvoted a comment here about detasselling corn. I guess everyone there has done that job as a teenager?

It all came down that gaffe where he bragged Trump "sinks 3-foot putts." He had to change the transcript to "30-foot putts" to try to make up. Didn't work.

Any synonym for "step" will do. That's how it started, right?

Many people are saying that Trump has a history of abusing Don Jr's attempts at anything. When Don Jr. started a charity, his father took it over to run some scam.

Iron Fist was almost unwatchable because of those two in their power suits.

Eh, Mike Douglas had all those people and more, and at 12:30 in the afternoon!

Also since 1984, L.A. has opened 106 miles of subway and light rail; 534 miles of commuter rail; and 44 miles of bus rapid. In 1984 those were all zero. Also, a lot more Amtrak.

Two hours of consulting with Putin in the days just prior drummed into him a really good strategy. Meanwhile, the NYT has the dubious statement, and the advisors on the plane are trying to reach Don. Jr.'s lawyer before it goes up on the web.

I hope he can afford to break his lease in Washington and move to a remote cabin amongst the truck farms of eastern Long Island, perhaps to contemplate the glories of the flowers he will plant for next spring, nothing too sensitive to the sea air.

Two upcoming spoilers, for the episode after next (705), and the one after that, are just fantastic and what people have been anticipating so greatly. Let's just say someone rows his boat ashore and a beast becomes undead.

Time to hire Tucker Carlson.

I mean, either way can look wrong!

Agreed, it always looks wrong.

You mean "login to"?

Seems not, but who knows.