
Now that's like comparing somebody to Ted Cruz!

In Paris they are called "Professeure de lycée." It means strawberry ice cream sandwich!

Many people, the best people compare Trump to Louis Napoleon because of that essay by Marx about the "grotesque mediocrity" who became Napoleon III.

Apparently when he introduces people to each other at Mar a Lago he tells them how rich the other person is. It's in this article by David Owen "Lessons from Playing Golf with Trump."…

Perhaps he's following the whole itinerary set out by the History Channel.

A weird thing happened in Google that I mentioned on another thread. I'm like, why is Trump going to Napoleon's tomb on this visit, is it some sort of dog-whistle to the right (or tease to the left)? I decide to Google to make sure it's the tomb and not some other Napoleon place, and bizarrely the #1 result is like

I'm sure the visit to Napoleon's grave is some sort of dog-whistle engineered by Bannon etc.

Me too, but I was picturing those real-life chess games at Renaissance Fairs, except with weapons.

Veselnitskaya-gate. In May, the Dept of Justice settled a Russian money laundering case for a low figure. Some of the same cast of characters as the other Russian story. Democrats have sent a strongly worded letter. Seems to be mainly be covered by a short AP story and longer piece in Business Insider. http://www.busin

This too, from Den of Geek: "All 13 episodes of Jessica Jones Season 2 will be directed by women."

He's the boss. Website says right there, About Our Founder. He's an Ivy League investment banker who has a sideline in a panoply of good guy projects in Harlem. http://www.harlemcoffeeco.c…

This is the first week that Donald Jr. has been front and center. He's similar to his father in the casual lies, just trying to tamp down the situation at hand and look good. We've all met this guy in school and life along the way. Some of the explanations being offered against him are probably way too complicated.

A fun stadium is better than a stadium that eats baseballs in Tampa.

And there's an odd resonance in the opening to this NYT Magazine piece in 1973, after Creep's (Committee to Re-elect the President) skullduggery against Muskie, the strongest Democratic candidate, had been unearthed.

The point of Watergate (broadly defined) was to make that landslide happen by ensuring McGovern was the Democratic nominee. It's question 2 here:…

NYT is doing the water torture on Donald Trump, Jr. Third hammer blow in a row, every time he makes his excuses, they screw down the vice. OK, the metaphor is wrong. Anyway, now it turns out he was told in advance of the meeting that the Russian government wanted to help the campaign.

FamilyNet tried to tell CBS that it had acquired the rights from a predecessor channel to show Happy Days, etc., but not the "liability" to pay for them. That was in 2012.

She'd already played so many nuts, wonder if that was part of it. After Mrs. Parker & Hudsucker, Georgia was could be seen as a backslide to earlier typecasting: SWF, Rush, Crooked Hearts and on back.

Emma Thompson, what a weirdo:

If you want to get depressed, follow @ niceDonaldTrump on Twitter.