
Let’s not forget about Georgia State University my alma mater which awards the most bachelor’s degrees every year to african americans in the country. While not an official HBCU GSU is an amazing school for african americans and other minorities in Georgia. #justsayin

So far all of those research interests are right up the ally of what my school does! I actually work with mentoring undergrads and premeds at my school to help them get into medical school and if you want more information just message me and we can exchange email. I’d be happy to explain more to your son about my


I am a 23 AA female and I just graduated. My family is working class/lower middle class and I’ve worked since 16, paid for all college fees by myself and pretty much did everything in College by myself. I live in GA and had HOPE every year so my tuition was paid 80%. I’ve always known that if my grades are not top