
But what if Showalter is the one doing the shipping thing, as a way of ensuring that his investment in Robertson pays off? And he's murdering Cornelia as a way of shutting her up.

It's never said that he intentionally gave them smallpox, it could have been by accident because smallpox spreads easily. Robertson gains more from the natives if they're healthy and continue helping him than if they're sick and hate him.

I'm gonna go with sarcasm and upvote it for the sheer audacity of it :)

This. If I were on the receiving end of it I believe I would be able to separate the actor from the character but if I had to play Gallinger… I would feel terrible and wouldn't be able to look Holland in the eye for days afterwards. :/

I believe Lucy is far more insane than Thack ever was.

A new thought just occurred to me: perhaps Phillip knew about what his father would do and that's why he insisted on Neely coming with him RIGHT AWAY the way he did. But he was afraid to tell her about it because he knew that she would react in ways that he didn't want her to, like calling the police or telling more

Why do you think Showalter would try to kill Neely and Captain Robertson?

Oh God, that would be awesome.

This. I actually cheered for her to kill him even though it would make me dislike her because he's despicable but her overall actions this season did leave a bad feeling in my mouth. I don't care that she's a liberated woman, she's still an asshole.

This never occurred to me until now but it's a good point to make. Papa Showalter's interest in Cornelia's sniffing around did also seem far too big to be mere concern for his son's marriage…

Well, Henry could have lied because Barrow gave him an idea with his complaints about the work moving too fast. I genuinely doubt it that Captain Robertson is that bad and his reactions seemed honest enough, whereas Henry's are kind of fishy.

Especially considering how Henry has spent the previous two seasons blaming his father for being too cautious to earn more money and investing behind his back… I can see how Henry would crave finally having the assets, relatively small as they may be, at his disposal..

I like Ollie with Felicity when they're a happy, cute couple but their "emotional" scenes and arguments get so overwrought that I feel that they're both cringe-worthy in their purple-prose awkwardness and stalling the awesome main plot. Like, all right, you got together, you're happy, you're getting married, that

I really disliked it, it broke my suspension of disbelief that she wasn't passed out after two seconds.

The story beats are the same/similar nonetheless, so it becomes a tired twist and death loses its meaning.

As someone who got into a relationship after months/years of "being friends" and drama and will-they-or-won't-they shit due to outside reasons not related to actual compatibility, yes, you do skip some of the steps because you already know the person very well and you've seen them in a lot of trying circumstances so

What I *really* want is for the relationship drama not to take up significant portions of the story when it's the same thing over and over again and they should know better by now.

YES, they should have left that out entirely, it took me a couple of minutes to take the show seriously again after that one.

But Malcolm was never entirely in the Lazarus Pit as far as I know, he just uses it to heal minor injuries. Soo it's doubtful that it would produce the same effect, I think.

I think Barrow is counting that the gentlemen's club he's just joined will provide him with society connections instead of his wife. I'm doubtful that he would have done what he did if he didn't have the club membership to fall back on.